Wednesday 21 September 2016

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... Letters J

The letter J is for Jungle Bells.  This is the second last block of the Snowmen A to Zzzz... quilt that my daughter is working on.  Another gorgeous block.

As for me...I got the handwork portion of a commissioned quilt done in the last couple of days.  Now I need to quilt the last perimeter hexagons, and the six large florets.  I am getting there.

I haven't been consistent with my posts lately, and to those who read them regularly, I apologize.  Since May I have been assisting my mother with packing up a home that she lived in for forty years, putting it up on the market and we are all still trying to finish the renos in the new home to get her settled.  Until that is done, I get very little time to myself, to quilt, so thereby not having much to post about.

Thanks to my daughter I have been able to post something, from time to time.  I look forward to getting back to my routines.  Our schedule leans toward finishing the majority of the renos by end of next week, when we will all take a break.  The smaller stuff can be done over time, without hindering my mom from living in her new home.  Until that time, I ask for patience.

At this point in time, I'd like nothing better, than to have hours to sit to sew and than post about it.  I am really missing that part in my life.

Thank you.

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