Monday 17 October 2016

I finished quilting the Sunshine quilt

I finished another simple baby sized quilt.  This one measures approx. 40" X 50".  The fabrics for this quilt came from my friend and quilting bee member, Carol.  She was clearing out some stuff and gifted it to me.  I make charity/give away quilts.

Within the fabric, I got one piece of yellow linen fabric.  I've never used linen before and to be honest, I don't think I would use it again.  This particular piece of linen was soft, but didn't stay put.  I even tried starching the linen to see if that would help.  It did a bit, but I had to really watch how the blocks went through the machine, otherwise nothing would match.

Even though I had a hassle of working with the linen, in the end, once in the quilt top and quilted the linen didn't cause any more problems.  It looks so cute up close and personal.  It is also so soft.

This little quilt used the whole piece of yellow and everything of each of the alternating fabrics too.  They all fit into this quilt with no material to spare and no shortage of fabrics.

Here is a close up of some of the fabrics I used.  With this quilt I did a simple straight line sewing along seams on both sides, both horizontally and vertically.  This simple quilt didn't need anything more.

Last night while having a movie night with my daughter, I managed to finish the rest of the binding.  Another quilt ready for Project Linus.

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