Saturday 8 October 2016

Whirlwind quilt

This was another quilt I spotted while at the Antiques Warehouse the other week.  I am always looking for a quilt pattern that will use up some of my odd shaped scraps.

This block is called a whirlwind block.  It is a bit difficult to make out as the medium blue used does not stand out much, so you cannot see the actual block itself.

As this next picture is of the side, I thought it would be easier to see the actual block, but in this case not really.  The blocks are large.  To make them you would make a scrappy 4" stripe with one corner cut off.  Once this is done you attach the short side of a triangle to the small side of the strip.

I am sure there is a better way to explain the construction, but it is not coming to me.  This one is probably best shown with diagrams. 

I am working on some quilting today and will be able to share some stuff with you shortly. 

In the meantime, I am sending out my good wishes to everyone to have a good thanksgiving weekend. 

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