Thursday 20 October 2016

Finished quilting my daughters quilt

Almost forgot to share this finish.  I finished it before I started quilting the navy blue and cream quilt.  This was made with donated fabric. The pieces were fabric sample swatches approx. 9" square with holes at the top where they were held in a book form.  We got a lot of them.  My daughter chose the beige samples with some added pinks and some light blues.

We were able to get four 4 1/2" squares out of each swatch plus two skinny rectangles.  It turned out nice.  Different than what we've made in the past.  One of my friends said it has an oriental feel to it with the large prints.  

I quilted a simple grid design along the edges of each block and on the first border, and did stippling on the last border.

Wouldn't you know it, I thought I was doing well when I was using my 15 minute break to attach the binding this afternoon, however just as my timer goes off, to signal the end of my break, I realize that I am 1" short of binding to finish.  Add in the 2 1/2" needed to add on the next piece and another 2 1/2" to attach the two ends together, making me 6" short all together.

Good thing I had some binding fabric left.  During my last break of the day I cut another piece of binding and added it to the last length of binding.  Once I finish this post I will finish attaching the binding so that it will be ready for hand stitching.

I love this saying, posted by Bonnie Hunter from her blog Quiltville.  It makes me laugh.  It is similar to my favourite mug, the one my daughter got me for Christmas last year, which says "Be happy, it drives people crazy" (as my daughter can attest to).

It is amazing how many people get pissed off when they are mad or upset, but someone else is happy.  They seem to go out of their way to try and make everyone else miserable.  When people are like this I get even more bubbly and cheerful and sing out GOOOOOD MOOOORRRNINGGGG!  They either start realizing how rude they are being and stop or they start to see red and start ranting harder, all the while I look at them straight in the face with a big huge smile.  The longer they go, the more likely it will turn into an even bigger smile with teeth and all.

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