Wednesday 1 April 2015

Final pictures of the Pleated Log Cabin quilt

These are the final pictures of the Pleated Log Cabin quilt.  The lighting that I had at the time was making this whole quilt picture look muted and greyish, but in reality the log cabin blocks are bright.

This closer picture of the centre is a bit better colour wise, but still not true.  I really love the fabric selection in this quilt.  If you look at an individual block on its own, you see the most unlikely fabrics placed side by side, with only the light side being consistent to hold the quilt together.  But as a whole the quilt looks fantastic.

An even closer picture of the quilt shows how gorgeous the quilting is.  Very simple design but very effective at highlighting the fact that this is a pleated log cabin quilt.  I love it.  The close up pictures also highlight the true bright colours used for the dark side of the log cabin blocks.

When I say the dark side, I mean the side that has all the colour, because there are some light fabrics used in the dark side too.  Everything went into the dark side.  Rose was able to get away with the lights on the dark side because she used the same type of white fabric for the light side.  There are some variations with the colour printed on the white fabric, but it was the same printed design of x'es and animals, just different colours.

This next picture is a close up of the border.  For the border I chose to go with the bright red that seems to be repeated throughout the quilt.  I added the multi coloured pleated small border to carry the quilt's pleated log cabin theme out into the border and finished it off with a grid fabric that resembles the screening on a screen door.

If you enlarge this next picture you can see all the grid type fabrics that were used in the blocks.  This is only a small sampling.  Many fabrics have geometric shapes.  If you enlarge the picture really big you may be able to see the screen pattern that mirrors the last border, as a filler.  It's the one with green paisley on a white background right next to the pink floral fabric.

The last picture I will leave you with is of the label, so the you can read the history of the quilt.

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