Thursday 9 April 2015

Quilting Bee last night

Last night I had a quilting bee meeting.  I thought I would share with you what some of the ladies were working on.  They were nice enough to let me take pictures and share their work with you.

One of the ladies, Florence or as we know her Flo, is expecting to be a first time grandmother.  She has started to make an appliqué baby quilt.  I believe she has completed a block already and is now working on block number two.  This one has alphabet tumbling blocks.  It looks cute in pastel colours.  She is also doing the hand stitching around the letters.

Another one of the ladies, Carol, is working on a full size quilt in appliqué. This one has got major detailing in the quilt.  You may not see it in the picture but all of those miniature rocking horses have an actual mane.  The rocking horses are part of the border on the right and bottom of the block and on the left there is a pieces ribbon in red.  Carol is assembling these blocks in a quilt-as-you-go method.

This next block is right below the one pictured above.  You can see a portion of the rocking horse border.  This block has the same red ribbon border along the left and a chevron border along the bottom.  These blocks are just sooooo beautiful.  All the tiny details.  I like the subtle texture changes between the head/face and the muzzle or the paws. And the quilting really make everything stand out.

Carol has been working hard on this quilt.  She has many of the blocks already done, but I didn't think to take pictures until now.  Maybe, if the ladies are willing I could take more pictures down the road, to share with you.  It is always nice to see things other people are working on.

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