Saturday 4 April 2015

Some progress on this and that

I have been on vacations this past week and have been catching up on all kinds of quilty things.  One of the things was this Mariner's compass wall hanging.  The top is done.  I can move it up the list to the quilting category.

I also finished a portion of all the Midnight Flight blocks both in blue and green.  Next step will be to attach, in 4-patch style, the chevrons that complete this block.  What you see here are all the blocks that I need to finish the quilt.  Making some good progress there.

I even started another batch of ten pineapple blocks.  Each block has four rounds of lights and five of darks.  The blocks finish at 7.5" and take about 50 to 60 minutes each to do.  The quilt requires 83 full blocks, 24 half blocks and 4 corner blocks.  I am at least 30% of the way done, maybe a bit more.

I have been doing a bit of this and a bit of that between everything.  I will save some of it for another post.  I am definitely happy with the progress.  Talk to you soon.

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