Thursday 23 April 2015

Another floret for my hexagon quilt is done

Another floret for my hexagon quilt is done.  I have been working little by little on these hexagons, with some interruption when I needed to get my Tiny Town appliqué block done.  Today I put the last purple hexagons on and can now move on to the next colour.

When I got home late this evening I decided I should get started on the next appliqué block for mid April.  So that I don't leave it to the last minute, I have to try and get one building done per week.  Tonight I managed to get about eighty percent of my barn done.  I will take a picture when it is complete.

While I was sewing I had QuiltCam on and enjoyed listening to Bonnie Hunter while sewing.  It just happened that I started the QuiltCam at the some time that she ran the show and it ended just in time to head to bed.

I enjoyed my relaxing night.  Time to distress.  Enjoy everyone.

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