Tuesday 21 April 2015

Working on the 3D Pinwheel quilt

On the Saturday after meeting for Tiny Town, I figured I needed some time to play a little.  I needed to relax a bit, with all the craziness going around here and work.  My daughter reminded me that I only had about 2 1/2 months to go before my second niece has her baby.

I posted a while back about getting all the fabric together, cut and ironed into prairie points.  I decided to pull the basket out and do some mindless sewing.  I managed to get all the blocks sewn up that same day.  Doesn't it look cute.  The picture was taken in the evening and my lighting is not the greatest, but I think you get the picture.

I took a picture to include the small border and the large border.  My daughter is not sold on the idea of this particular large border.  She feels it is too dark for the centre of the quilt.  I am thinking she may be right, but for now I leave it there and evaluate it each time I walk by.

This next shot is of a close up.  Here you can see more of the colours and the fabric pattern.

When I have a chance I will put the blocks together.  It won't take much time once I sit down and work on it.

As for the rest of my quilty stuff.  Not getting much done.  Working lots of overtime and managing things around the house.  It's tax season too, so have to get that stuff done.  This year I have five to do and with all this my computer decides that it is too old and won't allow for anymore upgrades.  So, now I have to learn about my new computer and when I get some time, slowly pull all my files and data from the old computer to transport it to the new one.  What a job.  Right now though I don't have the time.

You know, there is a theme going on here.  It's call time.  I need more time in a day to get everything done.  My husband and I keep telling the kids (when they complain that the didn't get to do this or that), that time does not stand still, you need to be aware of the time (ie. You sleep until noon you don't get to do as much as you want during the day, before it is time to go to sleep again).  But right now, they don't get it.

But me, I really want more time!!!  Ok, ok I will stop whining.  Talk you you when I can.

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