Friday 31 October 2014

More progress on the Dresden plate blocks

Today I finally finished painting in the bathroom.  Took me all day to get the second coat on the wall and two coated on the doors and baseboards.  After getting the kids dinner I decided I needed a break and went down to my quilting room.

I finished basting all the Dresden plated to the white base.  The picture below is the pile of twenty blocks ready to start to appliqué.  There are another five that still need to have the seams turned over before they can be basted.

After walking my son for trick or treating tonight, I cut all the twenty five purple centres.  The picture below is to show you how I would pin baste, so that I can appliqué and get a really good round circle.  When I cannot see the seam allowance I prefer to pink baste,  it is easier to adjust or remove if needed.

This next picture shows the centre sewn onto the Dresden plate.  The next step will be to appliqué the plate to the white.  This purple fabric that I had here from another project is very close to the same purple that was already cut out to be used for the Dresden plate centres, but as I am combining twenty-five blocks and I would not have had enough. For consistency I decided to use the purple I have so that I could also use it for the cornerstones and the first border.

Now that I have all the blocks basted I can put this aside, until I need to bring my grab and go bag.  The grab and go bag is because I don't usually do hand work at home.  I find other times during the day for that, like during lunch at work or waiting at appointments, that sort of thing.

Tomorrow I will clean up/put away all the paint tools and take the day to do some more quilting on the Hexagon quilt.  Hoping to get a lot done on that one his weekend.

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