Thursday 2 October 2014

Tooth fairy pillows done

Well I got home yesturday after work and needed to zone out for a bit.  I took out the needlework part of the blue fairy pillow.  All I had left to do was to appliqué the blue skirt and the little pocket.  Once I was done that, I had some time still to put on the border.  I had to stop for a bit to make dinner.

After dinner I was able to finish the stitching that goes around the perimeter of the white, sew on the backing and stuff the pillow.  It went together fairly easily.  Now the two fairy pillows are done.  I can take them off my quilt list.  Now I have 25 quilty things to do.  One more larger pillow and the rest are all quilts. I'm happy to get these done, now I can deliver them to the recipients.

Today I start late so I am going to spend some time sewing.  Just not sure if I want to do more quilting or sew up the half square triangles.  I will let you know when I decide.  Have a good day.

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