Sunday 19 October 2014

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... Letters M and N

Yesturday the kids and I went with my niece and her family to a pumpkin patch place in Milton.  It's a nice place called Springridge Farm. My son enjoyed it last year, but my daughter didn't have a chance to go due to too much homework.  This year she was glad to go. It is geared toward younger kids up to approx. twelve years of age, but big kids do enjoy the corn field maze and the hills made of hay bales too.

When we got back from the farm I worked some more on the Hexagon quilt.  Now I have a total of 37 florets done.  Today I am hoping to have the full day of uninterrupted quilting time and hopefully get a full round of hexies done.  This next round has 24 hexies.

In the meantime, I will share with you another couple of blocks my daughter has finished.  She is doing quite well with these blocks.  She does them in no particular order, other than in advance we figures out how many different snow flake patterns we needed and where they would be placed.  So, when I found a snowflake material, I drew the pictures for those blocks.

N is for Noel was the next block she chose.  Because it was also a small block.  She was building her confidence while doing it to give herself the courage to tackle a large block.  I think she did another small block after this one.  I will show you that one in the next post.

M is for Mittens, I though was a cute one.  It may not look very clear. As it is a larger block, we had to back up some to take the picture. If you zoom in you can still see the details.  My daughter even had to do French knots on some of the mittens.  She still likes doing these blocks and does them from time to time while watching tv or a movie that she has already seen.

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