Saturday 11 October 2014

Another 60 Bow Ties

This morning while having my tea, I was making some boe tie blocks.  I made 25 of them before I had to stop to do some houseworkand they we had company for a bit.

Later, after that I was able to do another 25 in the afternoon.  This leader and ender has just gone into the position of main work. They are so easy and quick to make and there is no thinking necessary to make them.  This morning I started with three piles of sets.

While I was doing the above 25 blocks I watched Bonnie Hunter's quilt cam.  I enjoy listening to her quilt cams while I work away.  It feels like I have a quilting buddy with me to keep me company.  When that ended I went outside to do some garden fall cleanup.  I was outside for quite some time.  Filled up three brown bags of waste.  Wouldn't you know it, yard waste pickup was yesturday.  Always the way with me.  Now it will sit for two weeks before the pickup comes around again.  

When I took a break I sewed up another 10 bow tie blocks. I am on a roll. All together I was able to complete three full rows for the quilt, all in one day, between looking after things around the house.  Now I  only have a partial pile of sets to assemble.  It may amount to one more row.

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