Wednesday 29 October 2014

Working away and storage

Yesturday after going to Home Depot for supplies, I managed to finish the plastering in the bathroom, filling the nail holes of the baseboards and priming everything.  In between drying time for the chalk and the primer I did get a bunch of florets quilted as well.  When I went up to start painting though, I couldn't do it.  At this time of the season with the rain and all the primer was taking longer to dry, so I brought out the heater fan to help it along, and headed to Storage Solutions to see what I could find.

Not sure if you remember the cupboards I got from IKEA for my quilting room.  They are 18" deep.  I wanted to find some long baskets to hold stuff, to better utilize the space.  The picture below shows what I went with.  Now I have more room for my light and dark scrapes, and the miscellaneous sized scrapes for crazy quilts has more room too.  The three smaller baskets at the top I had here already and they are now holding parts and pieces for two quilts, plus one extra for future use.  The packaged batting fits nicely between the large baskets.  I love seeing everything in it place.  Doesn't always stay this way, but I do try.

Not much else to report at this time, because I am doing mainly renos around the house this week.  After I publish this post I will be off to finish the painting of the walls, baseboards and doors. Plus doing the silicone around the tub.  Once everything dries I can install the door handles and wash everything down.  

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