Monday 27 October 2014

More playing with EQ5 for the Romance and Roses quilt

Yesturday while on EQ5 I played around with some design options for a second quilt.  This one won't be started for a while yet.  Before I start this one I have to get some things together.  The pattern comes from the quilt book below. This book is filled with beautiful quilts.  They are mostly on the beige side, nothing in the way of brights or modern.

I bought this book initially for the quilt on the cover.  I would love to one day make this one.  This one is on my wish list of one day......  But if your a quilter, you know that we would have to live to be 200 years old to make all the "one day" quilts on our wish list, and that may not even be enough because we're always adding more.

The pattern is in the book Simple Blessings - 14 Quilts to Grace Your Home by Kim Diehl.  As I've said above, this book has many beautiful quilts.  The one that I will be making is for one of my nieces, called Romance and Roses.  Except, my nice is not into these warm beige harvest colours.  For her I am going to modernize the quilt with colour and minus the roses.  I think I want to use the vine and flowers of one of the other quilts in the book, but that has not yet been finalized.  It may not be until the end that I decide on that part.  

The page above shows a better picture of the colours in the quilt and a closeup of the blocks themselves.  The picture below shows the layout.  For the quilt that I will be making, I thought I would use a light for the background. I am not sure whether that will be a light cream of very light grey with a black or dark grey printed pattern on it.  For the blocks that Kim has in red I was going to do the same, but my reds will range from deep burgundy through to perky dark reds, all the way to even some very dark pinks and red wine colours.  Lastly the second blocks that Kim used green, I will be using blacks and dark greys.  I find just the use of black sometimes give a quilt a more modern appearance, and with the grey a little more so.

The following picture has my layout on the right hand side from EQ5.  In the picture the background is light grey.  Until I go out shopping though, I won't know exactly what the background will be.  That is why I needed to figure out the layout and final size, so that I will know how much fabric I will need.

On Thursday some of the girls from our quilt bee plan to go on a road trip to Font Hill and visit The Quilting Bee quilt store.  While there I may check out if they have anything I could use for the background and maybe some red or blacks as well.  I find that half the fun of making a quilt is the designing, which includes the selection of fabrics and colours.  After the shopping we all head next door for lunch.  Another great place to go.  It will be fun with great food and all the girls.

Enjoy you day everyone.  Though I am on vacation this week, it will be a work week for me here around the house.  My goal this week (I have a huge list of thing to do), is at least to finish the upstairs bathroom.  I am off to do some plastering in the bathroom.

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