Thursday 23 October 2014

What I did at the Quilt Bee

Last night I had a Quilt Bee meeting.  While there, I had just enough time to complete the *Wonder* block, from the P.S. Don't forget to... pillow I am working on.  Now there are only three blocks left to do.  I've decided that my next block is going to the *Inspire* block.

Just so that you have a reference point, I should tell you that the picture part of this block measures only 2" x 2 1/4" and the line you see is at the 3" mark.  The line is where the rick rack will be sewn on with French knots and finished off with a bottom at each corner.

These little blocks are cute.  They're portable little blocks that don't take long to do.  A small project that gives you a sense of accomplishment between, all the larger projects of making full size quilts.

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