Sunday 5 October 2014

The floret hexagon quilt

I just couldn't wait. I had to start this hexagon quilt.  My daughter's quilt is done as much as I can do until I make my template patterns.  When I started this quilt the first two attempts did not go well.  The first time I started I felt the hexagon was too close to the edges, which made the edges curl up.  So, out it came.  I started the second time with in the ditch sewing, but with all the bulk of the fabric at each corner, I just could not get it to go straight.  So, again out it came.  This quilt is so old and beautiful that I have to get it just so.  Third times a charm.  I made myself a little hexagon that measures only 3/4" across.  I use this template to drawer all the hexagons.  It is going well.

This next picture is a closeup of the centre block.  From this block I will go around and around until they are all done.  My daughter and I each counted and came up with the same number.  Do you know how many florets there actually are?  Take a guess.  Drum roll, please...... 

There are exactly 351 full florets and 20 three quarter florets. For a total of 371 florets.  So far I have 7 of them done.  Now "only" 364 left to go. Hehehe.  This is where I chant "just do one at a time" or "one more done" to keep myself motivated.  This one will take me a while.  But I will look great when it is done.

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