Tuesday 7 November 2023

This time change is recking havoc on my system

This last weekend's time change is really not agreeing with my internal clock.  Where I unusually go to bed at around 11:00 pm, moving the clock back means I go to bed an extra hour earlier, so 10:00 pm by the new time change.   Which is not that bad, however the mornings come way to soon, as I would normally wake up at 7:00 am, now my body still automatically wakes up at this new time of 6:00 am.  

This overall waking up an hour earlier is exhausting.  But, I will just keep to the new time in hopes that my body will eventually catch up....either that or I will be completely exhausted that my body will just crash and sleep in.  I am sure I am not the only one feeling the effects of this time change....

This weekend at my quilting retreat, there came a time on Saturday after dinner some time that I was done with sewing on my machine.  I sewed and sewed and sewed, only taking a break for  breakfast, lunch and dinner....lol.  Us quilters I tell you....we can really put the peddle to the metal and sew!

At around 7:00 pm on Saturday, I gave up sewing on my machine and took out my hexagon, handwork.  It took me about an hour to get these four rows assembled.  I had the hexagon paddies for the diamond already done and just had to make the white hexagons, as I when along.

I was called away to help someone with a jellyroll rug.  I had made one a while back and this person bought the pattern and figured she would just follow the instructions, as she missed the opportunity to take the workshop.  However that was harder than she realized.  When she found out that I had made one, she called me to assist.  

What you see above is really all that I got done that night.  I left it out thinking that I would take over where I left off and finish the diamond the next morning, but my hand the next day was acting up, so I thought I would not take a chance and gave it a rest, to sew on my machine again.

Just this little bit though, sparked my interest it this project, so when I got home, I took out the pieces that I had laying around to see really how far I still had to go.  I know by my project container that I only have 4 more diamonds to do, outside of the half completed diamond above. 

These were the pieces I had laying around by my chair.  There are three pieces above, waiting to be added to what I call the sister ship.  The larger half section of the quilt, the first half, I call the mother ship.  This section is really only about 1/4 of the second half of the quilt.
Seeing this made me even more excited.  So excited that on Monday, I went downstairs to unpin the other quarter of the quilt, which I call the main sister ship.  I laid everything on the floor and pop!  Wow!  

I am really getting there. Only this last 1/4 of the centre of the quilt is left to do.

Once I am done the centre, I have some of the florets to do on the right hand side (two are mostly done already) and the bottom border florets are done with half of the scrappy hexagon border also already done.  I can't believe how far along I am!!  Don't get me wrong.  I know there is still many hours of work on this, but WOW!  I can actually see the finish line!

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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