Friday 10 November 2023

Men's shirts quilt progress from the retreat

Here are the last two pictures from the retreat weekend.  When I finished the eagle quilt for my brother, I moved on to this one.  This picture shows 1/3 of the quilt top, minus the borders.   The blocks are a Jacob's ladder block, using nine-patches instead of four-patches.

What is special about this quilt is that the top is primarily made using men's shirts.  The men in my family donated their shirts that they were no longer needing.  I have a lot of variety.  The dark colours are the shirts, some of the background fabrics are also shirts, but the background also has regular quilters cotton fabric.  All the sashings and cornerstones are also men's shirts.

This is the picture I took at the retreat, but by the time the retreat was finishing for the weekend, I had all the blocks complete, all the sashings attached to the blocks and all the rows assembled into rows as well.  It was going so well!  I have one mistake block in row four to fix, and I can attach rows four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, all together.  I am so close to being done.  After I can go see what I can find for the border fabric.  It's not looking too bad so far.  I am liking it!

I thought I would also share with you the rug, that I gave instructions for.  I called it an early night on the Saturday and by the time I woke up on Sunday, I found out that the person who made this rug, had stayed up really late so that she could finish it.

She used a jelly roll to make it.  Very colourful and it lays pretty flat too.  Great Job!

Today, I went into Milton and spent time with a group of ladies who do hand quilting.  Such a nice group.  I am learning how to hand quilt.  I have a quilt that is reconstructed from an older quilt.  The reconstruction was to replace all the background feed sack fabrics, that were deteriorating and dingy yellow/grey.  I am practicing so that  I can hand quilt this quilt.  So far, I think I have the hand quilting stitch length consistency all right, and now I have to work on reducing the spacing of the stitches.  It was a very nice morning spent with the ladies.

After this, I made some returns at Home Depot and headed to my mom's place.  She needed help with cutting some large pieces of wood for a project that she is not telling me  She wants the pleasure of making it on her own. She just needed help with the few large pieces.  I will have to wait to find out what she is up too.

After cutting the wood, I had some time before dinner to relax.  I brought my hexagon parts and pieces to my mom's place for when I had some down time.  I made some good progress while we sat and chatted.  Made a bunch of patties and while she was making dinner, I attached some of the parts I had already started.  I'll have to show the pictures of that later, as the night lighting is really not that great for taking pictures.

Take care everyone!  Have a great weekend.

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