Monday 13 November 2023

Just a bit of progress on my Heartfelt BOM

Just a bit of progress on my Heartfelt BOM for November.  I am hoping to get some more done tomorrow.  This month we are working on the Variable Star block, the Ohio Star block and the Piano Key block or, whatever variation of blocks that each of use has decided to substitute.

The only block I got done so far is this lonely, single Ohio start block with a slight change.  My block centres are going to be all fussy cut with various hearts, and surrounding the heart, I have decided to do a consistent red fabric.  All the  stars are going to be different combination of pink or red fabrics with the various hearts, surrounded by the one consistent red.  Only 4 more to make of this star

These next set of blocks were made by one of the other four members of our small group making this BOM quilt.  In her layout, she did the traditional Ohio star points and she changed up the centre with a four-patch, to add some variety.

This next set of blocks were also made by the person of the set above.  These are called Variable Star blocks.  These are colourful and will add some spunk to her quilt.  She also cut out some unique centres for the stars.  All looking good!

Another person from our small group made this variation of the Variable Star.  She decided to change her centre to a four-patch to add some interest and make this block her own.  Also looking good!

I've got to get  These ladies have there blocks mostly done and I only have the one!  No one today, so far, has shown what they are doing for the Piano Key block yet.  One is still trying to decide what to change it to and the other, I think, is still working on her Ohio Star blocks.

My post of October 7th, shows my substituting the Piano Key block for crazy blocks.  I am also going to be using the crazy blocks as my centre for my Variable Star blocks.  So....I guess, technically I have started the Variable Star block....the centres

Really hoping to get to it tomorrow.

Good night all.  Take care.

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