Tuesday 14 November 2023

Just a bit more done on the BOM

Today, I did get just a bit more done on the Heartfelt BOM blocks for November.  I managed to get three and a half more, before our dog insisting it was time for her walk.  She hasn't adjusted to the time change yet and wants to go one hour earlier than usual.  I tell you, when she wants her walk, she stares you down and sits there staring and staring, and she does an inpatient prance in one spot, sits and stares some more.  She's probably thinking, why doesn't she understand me.....lol

Anyways, three more blocks is not bad, the fourth one is all cut out and the points for the star are already made.  Now I only have to assemble the block in a nine-patch fashion.

You know.....for someone who doesn't make a lot of quilts with red or pink, I seem to have an abundance of the two colours.  I wonder how that happens?  I like both red and pink and so it is likely that I buy them because I like them, but why don't I sew regularly with them.....who knows?  I did make a red and white quilt once, so I understand the reds.....

Here are two close up pictures of the blocks.  As mentioned yesturday, each of these blocks (there will be five in total), will have a fussy cut heart in the centre and surrounding the heart is one consistent red fabric.  I am liking the variety that I am getting with switching out the colours.  Each one has it's own personality.  The variety will help when it comes to block placement.  I will have more options on where to put the individual blocks, which will help with balancing off the colours throughout the quilt.

I do love a good polka dot!  I also like the double heart in the centre of this one, though it is actually a triple heart, but due to size, I could only fit the two.

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself!

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