Sunday 19 November 2023

A quilt for Quilts for Survivors

Today was a busy day of this and that, so I decided to pull out a picture from Feb 19/2023 for something other than my Heartfelt BOM, though if you read to the end, there will be a picture showing some progress.  

This quilt is a pattern called Grandstand from A Bright Corner.  I used this pattern as I thought it would be great for using up some chunks of did, which was great!

These were all in fall colours from gold, orange, beiges, leaves and horses.  The horses are not fall, but the fabric was in the right colourway and I need to use it up.  This quilt is going to Quilts for Survivors.

Today I took the morning to work on my Heartfelt quilt.  I quilt around 1:30pm when I realized I hadn't had lunch yet.  I made my self something I didn't have in a long, long time.  I made myself a chicken salad sandwich on toasted sour dough bread from the leftovers of a roast chicken.  I thoroughly enjoyed it with cheddar cheese on it.  I had just enough time to eat it and clean up, when my mom called.

My mom called for me to take her to Home Depot for some wood, for a cupboard she is making.  While I was there, I picked up some wood myself and a countertop that I needed for the peninsula that divides my sewing space from the longarm space.  When I got home, I thought why I took the time to move all the furniture and rearranged the cupboards to install the new countertop and the backboard that connects all the units together.  I was surprised how fast and easy it was, with a second set of hands from my husband.

After all of the above and clean up, it was almost eight in the evening.  I had to call it quits for the day.  With all of the activities going on, I only got the one picture.  This picture is of some more background getting done.  I am now almost done the background of the quilt, with the exception of the extension of eleven more rows I plan to add to the bottom, so that it can go on a bed.

I do know that it is not a very good picture.  Even with the spot light, it does not show up too well.  I am going to have to work on the lighting....hopefully soon, but likely much later than I wish....

Take care everyone.  Hope you all had a great weekend!

Oh! almost forgot......I did go to the Creekbank Sewing Centre yesturday and it was a nice place to visit, but I forget to take pictures.  I do plan on going back, so when I do, I will try again to get some pictures.

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