Monday, 27 November 2023

My substitute block

I am just getting back from our guild meeting.  It was a pleasant evening with a different activity than our usual.  This meeting was all about our Outreach.  The Outreach coordinator made up a bunch of kits for the evening.  We all broke out into groups of about five people and divided up the tasks.  Each group was responsible for making one quilt top.  We had five groups, plus me, who after making sure everyone was settled, sat down and sewed a smaller quilt top together.  I brought it home to finish adding the borders.

On Sunday, still on a high from having a sewing day with the ladies from our small group of Heartfelt BMO, I spent much of the day sewing some more.  I have decided to substitute some of the blocks in my quilt, with things that I prefer, can relate to, favorite blocks.........just to make it my own.

This is one of my favorite, long time traditional block.  Welcome to monkey wrench block #1:

Here we have monkey wrench block #2:

I was on a roll, so kept going.  Made two more monkey wrench blocks and put them all together.  It may be hard to tell in the picture, but the red points, in each block, are all different, and the side pieces are as well.  I kept the centre squares consistent and alternated the background for two blocks on each corner.  I did this so that when they meet in the centre, they created a nice colour combo.

In my quilt top, I plan to replace a few blocks here and there.  I'll show you a couple of other options I have been working on in the next post.  The blocks are really coming along.  I have one more smaller monkey wrench block to make, in order to have all of my December's blocks done.  As I am a bit early on them, I think I will work on my letters that make up the borders.

Take care everyone.  Stay warm and safe.

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