Wednesday 8 November 2023

Retreat progress all around

Shortly after I finished my eagle quilt, that I shared two days ago, we had a couple of other finishes.  This first quilt is shared from a long time retreater (maker is pictured here on the right).  This quilt has been in the making for over 10 years.  The way she explained it is, that she started over 10 years ago, but had to put it aside when the grandkids came along.  We all know how that goes, with wanting to spend as much time as you can with the kiddies and all the activities that come with them.  If there was any time for quilting, it was usually for the grandkids.

So now that the grandkids have a bunch of quilts of their own and are now older, she is able to start taking out all of her UFOs and making them again.  This is the first of many to

This next quilt top, belongs to a relatively new retreater.  This is a simple quilt that is going to her granddaughter's best friend's new sibling.  The fabrics all have meaning to the recipients big sister (the best friend) and she will teach her baby sister, as she grows up, the meaning of them all.  The one I really like, turns out to be the saying that I plan on putting around the border of my Heartfelt quilt.  It's the light pink alternate block, that goes like this, I Love You to the Moon and Back.

This next quilt top was made by the same retreater as the one just above.  This was a form of a BOM that she did from a book designed by an Australian woman.  Unfortunately, I didn't get the designer's name.  Last year this same time, the retreater was working on those hexagons in the middle of the top.  She has really been going to town with assembling the blocks and assembling the blocks into a quilt top.  It is somewhat of a sampler quilt with different types of blocks. some regular piecing, some fancy curves and some hand applique.  It turned out lovely.  The maker is the one on the right of the below picture. 

I hope you enjoyed seeing some variety with what has been going on during our retreat.  There are more to come, so stay tuned.

Take care everyone, and don't forget to take some time for yourselves.  It's very important for your mental health, to zone out and relax doing something that you enjoy.

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