Wednesday 29 November 2023

A paper piece heart block

Since the weekend, I've not had much time to work on the Heartfelt BOM blocks.  I really only need one more monkey wrench block to finish all of my December's blocks, so I am not doing too bad.  

When we were swapping either fabric or block ideas, one of the patterns that was shared was this heart paper piece block (those little tabs at the top will not be there once they are sewn into the quilt).  This is one of the blocks I plan on substituting.  The white fabric, is a swap from another one of the ladies in our little group.  We are all going to have a bit of each person in our quilts.  So cute!

I plan to make four of these hearts.  Three to place together, all in a row.  Maybe two reds and a pink, and another one to be on it's own, elsewhere in the quilt.

I am also experimenting with this next block.  Not sure if it will make the cut, but I will wait to have them all together to decide.  This block will be done four times, but with different red fabrics.  They will be placed together, but rotated, so that the dark pink is all in the centre of the final larger block.  The darker pink would in the end make a larger pinwheel with blades.  Hard to explain, so you may just have to wait and see what I mean on this one.

I also took a picture of my design wall and how it looks now.  It is amazing how quick it is filling in.  Do you see the new blocks I made?  The variable stars are done. The nine-patch blocks are done.  I already had the road block blocks done, that form the X and O.  I also now have the  monkey wrench blocks in the top right hand corner, plus the large and small paper piece heart blocks.

I think I said this already, but I'll say it again.  As I have finished the December's blocks already, I am planning to work on the words that are going around the perimeter of the quilt.  That should take me a good amount of time to do and with all the Christmas stuff to fit in, I think that will be enough.

Take care everyone!

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Football quilt

Today I thought I would share with all of you an interesting quilt.  Now, I know that football season has just ended, but this quilt is for a football fan and can be enjoyed year round.  The piecing on this must have been fussy, but it is so precise.  All the lace for the football is very intricate!

The fabric for the sashing and borders are made with the Dallas Cowboys logo fabric, with their signature navy blue star.  The alternating background for the footballs themselves are solid navy blue for one and another navy blue with many small white stars.  Not seen here was the cute star backing.  This young man is going to be pleasantly surprised when he receives this quilt.

Here is a close up of the footballs and all the different fabrics.  For the quilting, we did Becker's Shooting Stars pantograph from  Urban Elementz,  It also had stars, obviously given the name of the pattern, but what was interesting is while I was quilting it, I noticed that the stars had the same echo that the Dallas Cowboys star has.  It was the perfect pattern.

Don't you think it is cute?  I do.

Take care everyone.  Keep warn and safe in this snow.

Monday 27 November 2023

My substitute block

I am just getting back from our guild meeting.  It was a pleasant evening with a different activity than our usual.  This meeting was all about our Outreach.  The Outreach coordinator made up a bunch of kits for the evening.  We all broke out into groups of about five people and divided up the tasks.  Each group was responsible for making one quilt top.  We had five groups, plus me, who after making sure everyone was settled, sat down and sewed a smaller quilt top together.  I brought it home to finish adding the borders.

On Sunday, still on a high from having a sewing day with the ladies from our small group of Heartfelt BMO, I spent much of the day sewing some more.  I have decided to substitute some of the blocks in my quilt, with things that I prefer, can relate to, favorite blocks.........just to make it my own.

This is one of my favorite, long time traditional block.  Welcome to monkey wrench block #1:

Here we have monkey wrench block #2:

I was on a roll, so kept going.  Made two more monkey wrench blocks and put them all together.  It may be hard to tell in the picture, but the red points, in each block, are all different, and the side pieces are as well.  I kept the centre squares consistent and alternated the background for two blocks on each corner.  I did this so that when they meet in the centre, they created a nice colour combo.

In my quilt top, I plan to replace a few blocks here and there.  I'll show you a couple of other options I have been working on in the next post.  The blocks are really coming along.  I have one more smaller monkey wrench block to make, in order to have all of my December's blocks done.  As I am a bit early on them, I think I will work on my letters that make up the borders.

Take care everyone.  Stay warm and safe.

Saturday 25 November 2023

Heartfelt BOM sewing day

Today was so nice.  We ended up with four of us sewing away on our blocks.  Everyone sharing what they've done, what they plan to do and getting ideas along the way.  I couldn't have spent a nicer day.  With all the sharing and activities,  I didn't get much sewing I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I just now looked at the time and realized, I may not make posting for today, as it is less than half hour before midnight.  After everyone left I stayed to do some more sewing.  

I had great plans of finishing my seven variable stars and maybe some letters and taking pictures of everyone's progress today......well........I got one picture of one person's blocks.....but it was constant go and I was completely distracted all day.

Aren't the blocks above so pretty?  One of the things we did when we got together, was share something with each person.  For the person above, I shared an orange and background floral to make her four tulip block.  Those three at the bottom left corner is what she had so far.  She shared with me two different patterns for paper piece blocks, which I will show in another post.

Another person shared with me this 6 1/2" crazy piece heart block.  I made this just now.  This is great!  It and the other two patterns will add something different to my quilt.  It's really going to be great!

One of the ladies was making nine-patch blocks, so I was itching to do some too, and I did!  I did get two variable stars done as well.  Do you see all the new blocks on the design wall?  It's starting to fill in.

I am going to leave it at that today, as I want to get this posted before midnight.  Only 6 minutes left and I still have to proof read.  lol......sorry, but more to come tomorrow.

Take care everyone.

Friday 24 November 2023

Sue's roses

One more sleep until our little group  gets together for a sewing day.....I am so excited!!  I hope I don't forget to get some pictures together so that I can post about it.  I plan to catch up on the variable star blocks and maybe work on my border blocks.  I am not sure exactly where abouts the others are with all of their blocks, but I know that many of their blocks are done.  Maybe they intend to work on their December's blocks..... Either way it will be fun to kibitz and have fun while we sew all day.

I pulled this picture out of my files from Feb 19/2023:  This is Sue's roses quilt.   Such a pretty colour combination.  The focal fabric is completely roses with a blue sky background.  It's a very big quilt, as this is a king size bed. 

Here is a close up of the blocks and the fabrics.  The quilting pattern used for this quilt is called Pergola from Urban Elementz.  It has leaves and swirling tendrils.  The pattern is very feminine and matches the quilt very well.  

Have a great evening everyone.  Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

Thursday 23 November 2023

Sandi's quilt

It is now after 8:00pm and I still have to eat dinner.  Long day at work and training in new things, really taxes my  Looking forward to relaxation tonight, until I have to take the dog out for  a walk.

Today, I thought I would take you back again to Dec/2022, with this quilt made by a customer, for her niece.  The block almost looks like interwoven pieces.  I like her use of multiple light background fabrics.  It adds a bit more interest.

Sandi wanted the spunky Apricot's Daisy pattern for the quilting, as she thought it would be something her niece would like.  It turn out good and adds another layer to the background, where you see the quilting the most.  The coloured fabrics are nice and bright, but not in your face kind of bright.  From my recollection, I feel the picture does not do the quilt justice.  I think the colours stand out a bit more in person.

Have a great night everyone, I am off to go eat, and put my feet up.  I'm getting we used to say to the kids, only two more I get to sew all day with our little group of ladies doing the Heartfelt quilt.

Take care!

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Tumbling triangles

This tumbling triangles quilt is baby size.  It fits a crib very well and can be cuddled and dragged around by a younger child.  I love all the colours of the rainbow in this quilt and the way they move across the quilt on a diagonal.  The quilting pattern was chosen to give it movement.  My customer has made this quilt to donate to Project Linus.

Update on the progress of my Heartfelt quilt.........drumroll, made the letter "I", not much, but it is a little bit more than I had before.....

This weekend, I have the ladies from our small group coming here, to my place, for a sewing day.  That's when I plan on getting my variable stars done and maybe more letters for the borders.  I know it is unrealistic for me to think I am going to get much done this week, as I am working overtime most of it and Friday at my mom's place.  So, I will have to content myself with a big, fun sewing day on Saturday with the ladies of our group.

The letter I, is 1 of 24 letters I have to make and when they are all done, they will spell, I LOVE YOU (left side going upward), TO THE MOON (across the top), AND BACK   (right side going down).  All the letters are going to be red with a dark pink and the background cutoffs from trimming the blocks for the background.  The letters pattern come from Sugaridoo and they are paper piece in a casual format.  I thought they were cute, when she first came out with them, that I bought the letters and numbers for "someday".  Someday has arrived!

Take care everyone, have a great night!

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Quilt for Survivors and inspiration pattern called The Penny Quilt (QW)

Yesturday was busy for me at work and home, so no quilting going on and this week looks like overtime at work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.......I will try to get some time in.....

In the meantime, let me take you back again to Dec/2022: 

This is a quilt I quilted for Quilts for Survivors,  It's a pretty quilt and easy enough to make.  I like those pinwheels.  The block is essentially a rail fence block, with putting a triangle on the edge of the first and last strip, prior to assembling the block, snowball style.  This makes a great stash buster quilt.  I've quilted now a  blue one and this green one.  Both look great!

Also last year November, I purchased this pattern, called The Penny Quilt.  I am taking it out now, as I really want to find some time to make this quilt.  The reason I want to really do it now, is I realized that this would look great in Christmas fabrics.  I have a bunch of Christmas fabrics and scraps that would work very well here. I can't wait to dig in!

The pattern comes in three sizes and uses up a lot of variety in fabrics.  Fat quarter friendly too!

Just in case anyone is curious, the (QW) in the title of this post, stands for Quilt Want-to-be (Wannabe)  A term I use for quilts I would like to make.  I add it to the title, because once it is posted, at any time, I can do a quilt search with (QW) and all of the quilts I may want to do will come up.  Much easier to find things.

A little funny bit of info.....  If any of you have teen aged kids, you may be able to relate.  They get to an age that they are trying to be "mature" and try to act no expressions on their faces......minimal words, that sort of thing.....Thank goodness that period is in the past.  All through this time period I, would go out of my way to be silly, just so I could see a crack of a smile, or the eye roll, anything to get an expression.....I still do it, but now I do it to uphold my kids opinion of me, that I am going   Anyways, way back when, I had a jar called Quilt Want-to-be.  I thought nothing of it, it was just a silly game I played to motivate me when I didn't know what to do.  Well one day, my son walks into my sewing space and his eyes catch a glimpse of the jar.  He looked at me with the "What" expression, you know the one that is a cross between asking the question or thinking I've lost it.  To his expression, I know like the cool kid wannabe, that is the jar of quilt which he couldn't contain himself and outright laughed out was priceless!

Have a great day everyone.....even with this rain.  It's the middle of the day and I have to have the lights on.....yuke!  But.....we do need the rain.  All the new bushes and trees I planted need to get a good soak before winter comes around.

Sunday 19 November 2023

A quilt for Quilts for Survivors

Today was a busy day of this and that, so I decided to pull out a picture from Feb 19/2023 for something other than my Heartfelt BOM, though if you read to the end, there will be a picture showing some progress.  

This quilt is a pattern called Grandstand from A Bright Corner.  I used this pattern as I thought it would be great for using up some chunks of did, which was great!

These were all in fall colours from gold, orange, beiges, leaves and horses.  The horses are not fall, but the fabric was in the right colourway and I need to use it up.  This quilt is going to Quilts for Survivors.

Today I took the morning to work on my Heartfelt quilt.  I quilt around 1:30pm when I realized I hadn't had lunch yet.  I made my self something I didn't have in a long, long time.  I made myself a chicken salad sandwich on toasted sour dough bread from the leftovers of a roast chicken.  I thoroughly enjoyed it with cheddar cheese on it.  I had just enough time to eat it and clean up, when my mom called.

My mom called for me to take her to Home Depot for some wood, for a cupboard she is making.  While I was there, I picked up some wood myself and a countertop that I needed for the peninsula that divides my sewing space from the longarm space.  When I got home, I thought why I took the time to move all the furniture and rearranged the cupboards to install the new countertop and the backboard that connects all the units together.  I was surprised how fast and easy it was, with a second set of hands from my husband.

After all of the above and clean up, it was almost eight in the evening.  I had to call it quits for the day.  With all of the activities going on, I only got the one picture.  This picture is of some more background getting done.  I am now almost done the background of the quilt, with the exception of the extension of eleven more rows I plan to add to the bottom, so that it can go on a bed.

I do know that it is not a very good picture.  Even with the spot light, it does not show up too well.  I am going to have to work on the lighting....hopefully soon, but likely much later than I wish....

Take care everyone.  Hope you all had a great weekend!

Oh! almost forgot......I did go to the Creekbank Sewing Centre yesturday and it was a nice place to visit, but I forget to take pictures.  I do plan on going back, so when I do, I will try again to get some pictures.

Saturday 18 November 2023

Donna's reversable star quilt

Taking you back to Dec/2022:

As I was writing my last post, I realized that I had another example of a quilt with intertwining squares.  This one has a different centre.  This customer made this quilt, I believe, for her niece.  She made it a double sided quilt.  While loading the quilt on the longarm, I had to centre both the top star and the bottom star.  A bit tricky.

I've seen these patterns done in many different colours and they all look great.  The graphics of the design draws your attention.  This next picture is the back side of the quilt that I had to centre.

As for progress on my Heartfelt BOM quilt.....well, I am working on the background squares.  All the squares are white background with red or pink designs (mostly red). I have a whole stack of small leftovers, from fat quarters, from making my Canada's 150th birthday quilt in red and white.  What you see in the picture below are three separate pieces.  The middle section is waiting for the blocks inside the heart in order to assemble it completely, but one of those blocks is not expected to be made until March or April.

I like the subtleness of the pink perimeter blocks, though the lighting makes them a bit lighter than they appear on person.  I really have to look into getting better lighting down here in the basement.  Pot lights just don't do it. Even with the additional spot light that I pulled out, to see if it would be better.  I know they are not pretty, but florescent lights tend to distribute the light much better.

I'm posting this post earlier today, as I don't know where I will be at this evening. Yesturday was just too late when I got home from my mom's place to post.  We are already watching Christmas  Today, shortly, my mom and I are heading to a quit store about an hour from here called Creekbank Sewing Centre in Conn, ON.  They have a new location at 031385 Grey Rd 14, Conn, ON L0G 1N0.  If I remember to take pictures, I'll post about it tomorrow.  

Take care everyone and have a great day!

Thursday 16 November 2023

Reusing/repurposing men's shirts

In the office today, I was talking to a friend/coworker about quilting.  She dabbles in all sorts of crafts and she has made a quilt or two.  She knows I am a quilter, so we often talk about what I am up to, or about techniques, etc.  I showed her the quilt I am making using men's shirts, from the men in my extended family.

She recently lost her father. and our conversation brought to mind, that it was suggested, that she make something with her father's shirts.  I explained that the quilt I am making is quite intense.  Instead, I told her that I had a customer who recently made a quilt using her father's shirts.  The quilt is both gorgeous and with larger blocks would make it more reasonable to make.

So I pulled this picture out of my files from Oct 16/2023, to show her/my friend, what the quilt looked like.  It is very striking with the different blues and the darker colours set against the lighter background, though any colour combination would do.

This quilt is 74" x 74", which makes the individual blocks finish at 9.25" square.  Very good use of larger pieces of fabric.  In this case several pieces from the back panel of a man's shirt.  I know there are a few different layouts for the centre part of the quilt and you can play around with it if you wish, but I do like this one just the way it is.  Great job Mary.  I know your brother is going to love this quilt!!

In quilting progress, on my Heartfelt BOM, I started cutting all my red on white fabrics to make the squares for the background.  I had a total of thirty-five different fabrics.  I cut out 2 strips from each fat quarter.  I will have more than I need and variety to select from.  

As there wasn't much time tonight, I only got the strips cut.  Next will be to cut these into squares.  I am really looking forward to seeing how the background is going to look, especially with the new pink I decided on for the perimeter of the heart.

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Last of the Ohio stars blocks and debating my perimeter squares

Today, I finished the last of the Ohio stars blocks.  Yeah!  Next I will move on to the Variable star blocks.  I have to make seven of them.  I know it won't be tomorrow, as I have to  go into the office to work and Friday I am at my mom's place, so won't be happening at that time either.  I have some customer quilts to quilt this weekend.  I am thinking of doing them in the morning and afternoon on Saturday, so maybe, late afternoon and evening I can get into the blocks.

I want to try and get something done renovations wise this weekend too.  Will be working overtime all next week and the ladies are meeting here at my place for a sew day, next Saturday, so all else fails, I can do the blocks at that time.  Afterall it will still be November, so it won't be late.

Today I also made an important design decision regarding the consistent fabric for the surrounding heart that contains all the miscellaneous BOM blocks.  This first picture is the original thought of a darker reddish pink, but after some time and looking at the way my blocks were going, I felt they were reading as brown....or at least a dark beige.  My next thought was to change it out for a consistent lighter fabric (see the top left hump or the bottom left line heading down to the peak. 

Here is a close up of the fabric I thought to use on my second thought.  You can also see a bit of the first fabric I thought to use on the left, right beside the Ohio star.  Do you see how dark the first one was?  Well the second one to my eyes is no better.  Instead of dark, it is too light.  In the picture above, you can hardly see the white with burgundy roses.  Does this not sound like a Papa Bear/too hard and Mama Bear/too soft type of I need to find the Baby Bear, who is just right!!  LOL

So take a look at this next picture.  I think I have it just right now.  The pink is not bright enough to be in your face, and it really does allow the centre blocks to shine.  What do you thing, a bit more subtle but still noticeable?  Is it good?  How do you like my "X" for kisses and the "O" for hugs?

It took a while to cut out all 50 squares, but I think it was the right decision.  Here is a closeup of the pink.  I was also thinking today, as I was swapping out all the squares, that I can actually start getting some of the background pieces put together.  I've already figured out how I will be assembling the top, so I started cutting out the red on white fabrics for the background.

There is still a lot to do on this top, but I am keeping up pace with the schedule.  We have 2 1/2 weeks left of November and all I have left to do are the seven variable star blocks.  Lots of time...hehehe....if I could put a hold on the time for a  Life keeps moving along....

Take care everyone.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Just a bit more done on the BOM

Today, I did get just a bit more done on the Heartfelt BOM blocks for November.  I managed to get three and a half more, before our dog insisting it was time for her walk.  She hasn't adjusted to the time change yet and wants to go one hour earlier than usual.  I tell you, when she wants her walk, she stares you down and sits there staring and staring, and she does an inpatient prance in one spot, sits and stares some more.  She's probably thinking, why doesn't she understand

Anyways, three more blocks is not bad, the fourth one is all cut out and the points for the star are already made.  Now I only have to assemble the block in a nine-patch fashion.

You know.....for someone who doesn't make a lot of quilts with red or pink, I seem to have an abundance of the two colours.  I wonder how that happens?  I like both red and pink and so it is likely that I buy them because I like them, but why don't I sew regularly with them.....who knows?  I did make a red and white quilt once, so I understand the reds.....

Here are two close up pictures of the blocks.  As mentioned yesturday, each of these blocks (there will be five in total), will have a fussy cut heart in the centre and surrounding the heart is one consistent red fabric.  I am liking the variety that I am getting with switching out the colours.  Each one has it's own personality.  The variety will help when it comes to block placement.  I will have more options on where to put the individual blocks, which will help with balancing off the colours throughout the quilt.

I do love a good polka dot!  I also like the double heart in the centre of this one, though it is actually a triple heart, but due to size, I could only fit the two.

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself!

Monday 13 November 2023

Just a bit of progress on my Heartfelt BOM

Just a bit of progress on my Heartfelt BOM for November.  I am hoping to get some more done tomorrow.  This month we are working on the Variable Star block, the Ohio Star block and the Piano Key block or, whatever variation of blocks that each of use has decided to substitute.

The only block I got done so far is this lonely, single Ohio start block with a slight change.  My block centres are going to be all fussy cut with various hearts, and surrounding the heart, I have decided to do a consistent red fabric.  All the  stars are going to be different combination of pink or red fabrics with the various hearts, surrounded by the one consistent red.  Only 4 more to make of this star

These next set of blocks were made by one of the other four members of our small group making this BOM quilt.  In her layout, she did the traditional Ohio star points and she changed up the centre with a four-patch, to add some variety.

This next set of blocks were also made by the person of the set above.  These are called Variable Star blocks.  These are colourful and will add some spunk to her quilt.  She also cut out some unique centres for the stars.  All looking good!

Another person from our small group made this variation of the Variable Star.  She decided to change her centre to a four-patch to add some interest and make this block her own.  Also looking good!

I've got to get  These ladies have there blocks mostly done and I only have the one!  No one today, so far, has shown what they are doing for the Piano Key block yet.  One is still trying to decide what to change it to and the other, I think, is still working on her Ohio Star blocks.

My post of October 7th, shows my substituting the Piano Key block for crazy blocks.  I am also going to be using the crazy blocks as my centre for my Variable Star blocks.  So....I guess, technically I have started the Variable Star block....the centres

Really hoping to get to it tomorrow.

Good night all.  Take care.

Friday 10 November 2023

Men's shirts quilt progress from the retreat

Here are the last two pictures from the retreat weekend.  When I finished the eagle quilt for my brother, I moved on to this one.  This picture shows 1/3 of the quilt top, minus the borders.   The blocks are a Jacob's ladder block, using nine-patches instead of four-patches.

What is special about this quilt is that the top is primarily made using men's shirts.  The men in my family donated their shirts that they were no longer needing.  I have a lot of variety.  The dark colours are the shirts, some of the background fabrics are also shirts, but the background also has regular quilters cotton fabric.  All the sashings and cornerstones are also men's shirts.

This is the picture I took at the retreat, but by the time the retreat was finishing for the weekend, I had all the blocks complete, all the sashings attached to the blocks and all the rows assembled into rows as well.  It was going so well!  I have one mistake block in row four to fix, and I can attach rows four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, all together.  I am so close to being done.  After I can go see what I can find for the border fabric.  It's not looking too bad so far.  I am liking it!

I thought I would also share with you the rug, that I gave instructions for.  I called it an early night on the Saturday and by the time I woke up on Sunday, I found out that the person who made this rug, had stayed up really late so that she could finish it.

She used a jelly roll to make it.  Very colourful and it lays pretty flat too.  Great Job!

Today, I went into Milton and spent time with a group of ladies who do hand quilting.  Such a nice group.  I am learning how to hand quilt.  I have a quilt that is reconstructed from an older quilt.  The reconstruction was to replace all the background feed sack fabrics, that were deteriorating and dingy yellow/grey.  I am practicing so that  I can hand quilt this quilt.  So far, I think I have the hand quilting stitch length consistency all right, and now I have to work on reducing the spacing of the stitches.  It was a very nice morning spent with the ladies.

After this, I made some returns at Home Depot and headed to my mom's place.  She needed help with cutting some large pieces of wood for a project that she is not telling me  She wants the pleasure of making it on her own. She just needed help with the few large pieces.  I will have to wait to find out what she is up too.

After cutting the wood, I had some time before dinner to relax.  I brought my hexagon parts and pieces to my mom's place for when I had some down time.  I made some good progress while we sat and chatted.  Made a bunch of patties and while she was making dinner, I attached some of the parts I had already started.  I'll have to show the pictures of that later, as the night lighting is really not that great for taking pictures.

Take care everyone!  Have a great weekend.

Thursday 9 November 2023

A nutcracker quilt from a retreater

'Tis the season: Classic Nutcracker and Gingerbread Joy.  This was a BOM offered from a quilt store.  There was a nutcracker and a couple of blocks, set in a monkey wrench block, that were sent out each month.  This retreater, has completed all the blocks and has chosen a different layout for her quilt.  

I think it looks fabulous!  I like her use of the pieced blocks between the nutcrackers and the red sashing between them all.  She brought the sandwiched quilt to the retreat, as she wanted to do some hand quilting in a hoop on a stand.  It was fascinating just watching her.  There is just something special about quilting a quilt in hand quilted.

We all got her to hold it, just a bit longer, so we could get some close up pictures of the nutcrackers.  The detail in them was really, really good.  There were tiny pieces, all kinds of embellishments with buttons and beads.   I can't get over how gorgeous this quilt was.

The nutcracker above is the mouse king.  This block is not yet quilted, as it is on the bottom row of the quilt.  The whole quilt is stitched, in the ditch, with her domestic machine, to stabilize the layers and now she is going in with all the hand quilting.  You can really see it coming to life in the picture below.  I absolutely love the traditional crosshatch!

Are you noting all the different individual blocks within the monkey wrench squares?  So much variety.  This is such a great idea.  I like all the aspects of the design of this quilt. The above section is the middle point of the quilt and you can see that she is already starting to work on the second half of the quilt.  She is over the halfway mark!  That is something to cheer about.

I am so impressed with this quilt.  I can't imagine how long it would have taken her to make all of these blocks, both pieces and appliqued with embellishments.  Great job Valerie!!

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourselves.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Retreat progress all around

Shortly after I finished my eagle quilt, that I shared two days ago, we had a couple of other finishes.  This first quilt is shared from a long time retreater (maker is pictured here on the right).  This quilt has been in the making for over 10 years.  The way she explained it is, that she started over 10 years ago, but had to put it aside when the grandkids came along.  We all know how that goes, with wanting to spend as much time as you can with the kiddies and all the activities that come with them.  If there was any time for quilting, it was usually for the grandkids.

So now that the grandkids have a bunch of quilts of their own and are now older, she is able to start taking out all of her UFOs and making them again.  This is the first of many to

This next quilt top, belongs to a relatively new retreater.  This is a simple quilt that is going to her granddaughter's best friend's new sibling.  The fabrics all have meaning to the recipients big sister (the best friend) and she will teach her baby sister, as she grows up, the meaning of them all.  The one I really like, turns out to be the saying that I plan on putting around the border of my Heartfelt quilt.  It's the light pink alternate block, that goes like this, I Love You to the Moon and Back.

This next quilt top was made by the same retreater as the one just above.  This was a form of a BOM that she did from a book designed by an Australian woman.  Unfortunately, I didn't get the designer's name.  Last year this same time, the retreater was working on those hexagons in the middle of the top.  She has really been going to town with assembling the blocks and assembling the blocks into a quilt top.  It is somewhat of a sampler quilt with different types of blocks. some regular piecing, some fancy curves and some hand applique.  It turned out lovely.  The maker is the one on the right of the below picture. 

I hope you enjoyed seeing some variety with what has been going on during our retreat.  There are more to come, so stay tuned.

Take care everyone, and don't forget to take some time for yourselves.  It's very important for your mental health, to zone out and relax doing something that you enjoy.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

This time change is recking havoc on my system

This last weekend's time change is really not agreeing with my internal clock.  Where I unusually go to bed at around 11:00 pm, moving the clock back means I go to bed an extra hour earlier, so 10:00 pm by the new time change.   Which is not that bad, however the mornings come way to soon, as I would normally wake up at 7:00 am, now my body still automatically wakes up at this new time of 6:00 am.  

This overall waking up an hour earlier is exhausting.  But, I will just keep to the new time in hopes that my body will eventually catch up....either that or I will be completely exhausted that my body will just crash and sleep in.  I am sure I am not the only one feeling the effects of this time change....

This weekend at my quilting retreat, there came a time on Saturday after dinner some time that I was done with sewing on my machine.  I sewed and sewed and sewed, only taking a break for  breakfast, lunch and  Us quilters I tell you....we can really put the peddle to the metal and sew!

At around 7:00 pm on Saturday, I gave up sewing on my machine and took out my hexagon, handwork.  It took me about an hour to get these four rows assembled.  I had the hexagon paddies for the diamond already done and just had to make the white hexagons, as I when along.

I was called away to help someone with a jellyroll rug.  I had made one a while back and this person bought the pattern and figured she would just follow the instructions, as she missed the opportunity to take the workshop.  However that was harder than she realized.  When she found out that I had made one, she called me to assist.  

What you see above is really all that I got done that night.  I left it out thinking that I would take over where I left off and finish the diamond the next morning, but my hand the next day was acting up, so I thought I would not take a chance and gave it a rest, to sew on my machine again.

Just this little bit though, sparked my interest it this project, so when I got home, I took out the pieces that I had laying around to see really how far I still had to go.  I know by my project container that I only have 4 more diamonds to do, outside of the half completed diamond above. 

These were the pieces I had laying around by my chair.  There are three pieces above, waiting to be added to what I call the sister ship.  The larger half section of the quilt, the first half, I call the mother ship.  This section is really only about 1/4 of the second half of the quilt.
Seeing this made me even more excited.  So excited that on Monday, I went downstairs to unpin the other quarter of the quilt, which I call the main sister ship.  I laid everything on the floor and pop!  Wow!  

I am really getting there. Only this last 1/4 of the centre of the quilt is left to do.

Once I am done the centre, I have some of the florets to do on the right hand side (two are mostly done already) and the bottom border florets are done with half of the scrappy hexagon border also already done.  I can't believe how far along I am!!  Don't get me wrong.  I know there is still many hours of work on this, but WOW!  I can actually see the finish line!

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.