Saturday 9 February 2019

Working on my hexagon quilt

We are already one week into February and I've made slow progress on my American, Patchwork & Quilting UFO challenge quilt.  This quilt is being assembled all by hand, so by nature it is going to be slow.  Last weekend, I managed to make a diamond and enough patties to complete another diamond.

I've taken the two containers I have, with all the bits and pieces out.  I wanted to see exactly where I was with this quilt.  I have a long way to go, to get this one done, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I already had done.  Because I have been doing pieces here and there, this part and that part, it seemed that I was getting nowhere.

So, to motivate myself and show the extent that I have done, I am going to see how many of the pieces I can put together.  I am starting off with this piece, which I will from here on out call the mothership.

This piece is part of the upper most lefthand corner, which includes the diamond grid.  Last week, I came to the conclusion, that I didn't like the way the last outer purple border.  I felt it made the scrappy border look like it was floating, on it's own, between the two purple borders.  So, this morning I took it off.

Now I am happier.  From here I attached a small section just below the mothership.  This piece was already complete with the two florets and the outer border.

Next I took the three diamonds that were already completed with the outer white sashing.  Pictures can be deceiving.  Here are three diamonds, all the same size, but because I took the picture on a slight angle, they look like they are three different sizes (big, medium and small)  I've unintentionally created an optical

Anyways, I took these three diamonds and attached them to each other to create the first column.

By now, I'd just about had enough of sitting around sewing hexagons by hand.  So I will leave it at that for today.  That may be all that I get done this weekend, as tomorrow I head up to Oshawa for the longarm guild meeting.  I am happy though, as it is good progress.  It may not look like much, but time wise it is a fair amount done.  I do like watching the mothership expand, picture by picture.

Enjoy the rest of the evening!

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