Wednesday 27 February 2019

NICU log cabin blocks

I finished quilting the NICU log cabin quilt a little while ago and just haven't posted about it yet.  As you may recall from a previous post, this quilt came about from four log cabin blocks given to me by another quilter cleaning up their orphan blocks.  So, half the work was already done for me.

I sewed them together with the dark half in the centre, added a total of three borders and we are done.

I decided to do freehand free motion quilting in the borders, but I am not too happy with the outcome.  Instead of looking like a fern it looks like a jumbled mess of  Oh, well...  Definitely going to practice some more on this motif.  That is what the NICU quilts are great for.  They are giving me the opportunity to practice and get better at free motion quilting.

Not shown here is the centre that I did some ruler work with, as I went from log to log, from corner to corner, with lines.  Like dot to dot.  If you zoom in close on the top picture you can make out the lines in the dark logs.

Now I have the five NICU quilts to hand in at the next meeting.

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