Monday 11 February 2019

The trip to Michael's on Sunday and request from the dinner next door

A bit of a side step from quilting.  On Sunday afternoon, when I felt like I just couldn't do any more of the hexagon quilt, I took a break and dashed over to the Michael's craft store.  I was watching YouTube all weekend while doing the hexagon quilt, so that I wouldn't get bored or distracted with other things.  I mainly watched a new to me girl who has her own business called Sugaridoo.  Her YouTube is about quilting and crafty things (mostly quilt or crochet related).

Well, while watching her and seeing all the cute stuff she does, I started getting ideas.  Not always a good  Anyways, one of the things I was interested in was her cute little crochet animals.  They were so cute, but I'm not sure if I want to make any.  The reason I was interested in it, was that it sparked an idea for another project, that I was trying to figure out how I was going to do it.

So armed with a renewed idea, I headed to Michael's to pick up some cotton yarn and a small pattern to remind me how to crochet curves.  I haven't done crochet in such a long time, I needed a pattern for a refresher.  While I was there, I came across this pattern book and knew I had to have it.  Inside the cover there are so many different animals that you can make.

I found the cotton yarn I wanted.  Do you see that green depression ware glass desert nappy/dish?  Well my idea was to make that into a pin cushion.  I am going to use the pattern of that frog above (the top half of the body), to make a ball, of sorts, to fit inside the dish.  The colour I chose for the pin cushion, reminds me of a cross between strawberry ice cream and orange

I know it's a silly thing, but I've wanted to make this dish into a pin cousin for some time now, and now I have everything I need to do it.

Later when I went to my niece's place for dinner, her husband asked if I could do something with the edges of the material above to finish it off.  I figure I'll do a buttonhole stitch on my machine all the way around it, once I trim the edges.  This blanket is for my great niece.

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