Sunday 24 February 2019

Joining the American Patchwork & Quilting quilt-along

Yesturday, after a 2 1/2 hour morning birthday party for my niece's son, meeting a client in the afternoon and heading to my mom's to finish up some work, later in the afternoon, I was finally glad to sit down with my feet up and a glass of wine.  Especially after a very productive week of redoing my son's bedroom and lots of running around getting this and that done.

While my mom and I where sitting down relaxing, I was telling her about the new quilt-along that has started with American Patchwork & Quilting.  They've created a Facebook group for this quilt-along, to make a quilt called Sew Many Strips designed by Tara Lynn Baisden (#APQQuiltAlong).

On Friday, while I was out picking up the last few things I needed for the birthday party, I bought the magazine, which featured the article about the quilt-along.  I like the quilt they are making (see picture below).  It's a rail fence variation and will use up a lot of strips.  Obviously, the idea is to use up your stash first and supplement it with a few purchased pieces if needed.

I have decided to join the quilt-along, but with alterations.  I never seem to do things like everyone  In this case, I am using the quilt-along to make progress on using up my scraps, however instead of the measurements and sizes they use, I plan on making my own.  I don't have a problem with redesigning the pattern to suit my needs.

I do have a lot of strips in the size that they are doing this quilt, but I have a lot more stings in my scrap drawers that need to be used up.  The precut strips have a home to go to when I have a chance to make the quilt I have been thinking of, but the strings keep growing at an alarming rate, that I really, really have to get them under control.  So I thought I could alter this pattern, as my attempt at taming my scraps.

If anyone is interested, I will be making 3 1/2" square string blocks to replace the original pattern units, but otherwise the block construction and the quilt layout will be the same.  To see how it will look, today I made one block.  I like it and will continue with making my version of this pattern.  Please note that I will not be giving any of the original pattern sizes.  For that I would suggest you either purchase the magazine, as I did or purchase an electronic version online.

The quilt-along is to run from February 18th until April 22nd, however with my busy schedule, I feel mine will take me much longer.  To be reasonable, I am going to aim for a finish by the end of the year. you know what?  I think I may have a  I thing I talked my mom into joining in too!  She seemed interested in it.  I left her the instructions, so we will see where that goes, but for me I will have to make a conscious effort to keep on track with this, especially once I cannot keep up with the magazine's scheduled steps.  So far I am good.  This weeks schedule is to cut strips, so I am actually ahead of the game, as my scraps are already all together waiting in my drawer.

I'll let you know of my progress as I go along.

I hope to see you and many others there on the Facebook group, joining in the fun and comradery, that comes from being in a group of like minded people all showing their own interpretation of the pattern in all the varied colourway.

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