Sunday 10 February 2019

Working on my hexagon quilt some more

8:30 am - Today I have plans.  I've already taken a shower, had breakfast, gone through my emails and such.  It's time to get down to business.  After reviewing my post from a couple of days ago and the comment I made about my focus shifting to another new start. I decided that during this weekend, as I had the weekend to myself, I would do as much progress on this month's challenge quilt as I could.  So I am limiting my time on the tablet, just long enough to have my cup of tea.

9:00 am - As the day goes by, I will do different things and I will come back to sit and hand stitch some more on this quilt, after all it is this month's challenge quilt.  As I know I cannot possibly get it done in a month, my goal is to see just how much I can actually get done.  So, here is the last picture I took of the mothership.  Yesturday I also worked on some other parts, some of the diamonds, but this was it for this section, what I am calling the mothership.

10:00 am - by this time I get the piece of three diamonds attached to the mothership.  I started doing this piece yesturday, but ran out of energy to finish it.  I had only the one side of the last two and a half diamonds to attach.  While I took the picture, I noticed that I was missing a small section/piece at the top righthand side.

11:30 am - break for lunch.

1:00 pm - start on and finish the missing triangle piece for the top righthand corner.

4:00 pm - Wow!  Now that is one serious chunk added to the mothership.  The whole top floret border is on.  The top floret border also has some of the final border attached too.  

Now........I give up for today.  I've been sitting down far too long.  Yes, I have been up and down with various things, but primarily I have been sitting doing the hand stitching.

We're heading next door to my niece and her husband's place for dinner later, so that leaves me with an hour to run out quickly to Michael's to get some yarn..........but that is for another post.

Enjoy your evening everyone!

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