Friday 8 February 2019

My scrappy mountain majesties

So, I have a confession....... I started another quilt.

It doesn't matter how many I have on the go, waiting to be finished, it just sort of happens.  It happens!!!  It was bound to happen some time or another.  I had a bunch of dated fat quarters, just sitting around calling out to me, telling me they *could* become a beautiful quilt, if only given half a chance.

These fat quarters, were other people's rejects, the ones that are dated, usually larger floral prints or funky designs.  The ones that don't always play nicely with other fabrics, because they want to be the star of the show.  You know the ones I am talking about, they are so colourful you just don't know which colour family to put them in.

Well, I for one love finding ways to use these fabrics.  It's not always easy, but it is fun and satisfying when they come together to make a one of a kind quilt.

Lol. All kidding aside.  I did have a collection going of approx. 35 fat quarters that didn't really belong anywhere.  When I was going though some clean up yesturday, I came across them again and decided now was a good enough time to deal with them.

I rejected some of the rejects, because they were just too pretty to make the cut for this quilt.  I pulled out my bin of neutrals and started cutting 8.5" squares, 66 of the dark fat quarters and 66 neutrals.  I shuffled them all around and matched them up to a partner.

That is what you see there, in the plastic container.  Beside the stack of squares, is the pattern that I am going to use, to make this stack into a quilt.

This is one of Bonnie Hunter's free patterns, called Scrappy Mountain Majesties.  It's a very versatile quilt pattern, that can put a good dent into your fat quarter stash.  You can make it completely scrappy or you can do it more controlled, in a specific colourway.

The trick to this pattern is having enough contrast between the darks and the lights.  The whole zigzag effect is dependent on the contrast between the two.

If you squint your eyes, you may see it a bit better, though there is only a small sample up on my design wall at the moment.  It will stand out more once I get more rows going.  Once I get more blocks done, some of these darker neutrals will be spread out.

I am really liking it so far.  I think my focus has shifted from my "this month's challenge" to working on this quilt, but oh they say shift happens!  Lol.

Enjoy your weekend, keep warm and stay out of trouble!!!

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