Saturday 4 July 2015

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... E is for Elf and F is for Fir

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... E is for Elf and F is for Fir.  Now that my daughter is out of school for the summer she has some more time to herself.  Or rather she has one week to herself until summer school starts to get an extra credit, so that she can have a spare during the school year, when she has her hardest subjects.

During this time she is going over what blocks she needed to finish of her Snowmen A to Zzzz..... quilt.  She realized that on this block E is for Elf and F is for fir, the only thing she needed was the boots, belt and buttons.  Initially she was missing the colour to do them, but now they are done.

One more block she can cross of the list, in this case it was with little effort.  Always a nice boost of excitement, especially because this is one of the big blocks.

My daughter is doing well on this quilt, I would guess that she is 2/3 of the way done, if not a bit more.  She does this type of handwork while she is watching tv, mostly when it is a show she has already seen.

It is amazing how much one can get done while sitting around.  Either when you are watching tv, a movie, waiting for sports events with the kids or at doctor's offices.  Keep a grab bag at the ready.  Leave it in the car if it helps, so that you have it with you at all times.  A few stitches here and a few stitches there and it will get done.

For example I went on Thursday to the hair dressers with my son, prior to the zoo.  While I am waiting for him to get his hair cut I am working on my hexagons that are in my grab and go bag.  I had my hands busy and was still able to have a conversation with the hairdresser.  She likes to do stuff with her hands too.

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