Friday 3 July 2015

Sabryna's Remember Me quilt

Last Sunday Sabryna, Dylan and I went for a ride up to Font Hill.  It's a nice ride, only about an hour and fifteen minutes.

What's in Font Hill you ask,,,,,.well you should know better by now.  It was a quilt store, silly.  Kidding aside, there is a beautiful quilt store called The Quilting Bee and a nice restaurant called Lazy Loon right next door.

I go there often, maybe five or six times a year, some with my quilt bee friends and some with the kids.  I wanted to take advantage of the 15% off sale they were having on their Go! die cutters.  My daughter wanted to go because she was dying to start a quilt and my son wanted to go for the food. daughter and I also wanted to go for the food too.  There is nothing that I have eaten at the Lazy Loon that was not really good.

My daughter is hooked on the feel of civil war fabrics.  In her opinion the colours are warm and cozy.

While my daughter and I were looking at a calendar my mom got about quilts, we both stopped to admire the quilt that was for the month of September.  By coincidence September is the month that my daughter and I were born (hence the head butting from time to time, LOL).  There were some pretty quilts in the calendar, but of all of them we both thought September was the best.  It just has movement going on with a variety of fabrics, which we both like.

We looked up the info on the quilt and found out it came from the book called The Blue and the Grey by Mary Etherington and Connie Tesene.  The book came in the mail and since, Sabryna has been dreaming about making the quilt.  There are many nice quilts in this book and they are all made from civil war fabrics, though you could use any kind of fabric and have it turn out beautiful.

The quilt my daughter is making is called Remember Me.  The main block is called a signature block and the secondary block is a pinwheel. The construction of this quilt is a bit different as the second row of signature blocks is actually part of the sashing.

So far most of the fabric is cut and Sabryna has made a sample block to confirm the sizes.  This quilt is not big, so I had to resize the whole quilt.  I started by resizing the actual blocks from a 1" finished strip to a 1 1/2" strip, and added an extra row on the top and side to make the quilt a queen size.  Here is a sample of the main block.

Here is a sample of her pinwheel block.  Sabryna is making her quilt scrappy like the book pattern and also using the deep red/burgundy for her pinwheels.  I really like her background fabric.  It is so soft looking and has a romantic feel to it.

As Sabryna makes this quilt, she is fine tuning her 1/4" seam allowance and learning to follow a book pattern instead of only relying on me.  She is doing very well!  God, my little girl is growing up, or really she has gone and grown up already.  When did that happen?  I do love her and am proud of who she is.  Keep up the good work babe.

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