Sunday 26 July 2015

Mom's lattice quilt

I made a similar quilt for charity a while back.  Mom loved it so much she wanted to make one of her own.  So, I drafted up the pattern for the size she wanted to make and told her to just concentrate on doing the scrap sashings.

Once she was done that, we looked in her cupboard to see what she had available to make the plain squares, without having to buy anything.  At first she was thinking the light blue she had, but there was not enough. Instead she used the light blue for the corner stones.  We eventually found a light peachy-yellow broadcloth that she had a large enough piece to make the large blocks.

Mom worked on the quilt for a bit and when she was done she called me to help figure out the borders.  You have to understand that I don't mind this kind of help, at all......and you see.....we get fed really well when we go.  My family is big on eating.  Every one of us.  So, to dinner we went to help Mom.

We made a complete mess with auditioning one fabric after another.  In the end we found a darker fabric with a peachy-yellow background for the first border and a light blue for the second border.  The light blue is just a bit darker than the corner stones and it happens to have some flowers in the peachy-yellow colour similar to the first border.  It was fun and it was amazing that we were able to find something that matched so well. Keeping an eye on the goal, all the while.  Our goal is using up what we have on hand and being creative on how to use it up in an attractive way.  I think she did well.

It is a different colour scheme than what she may have made if she bought all new fabric, but it still looks pretty.  This quilt top was made completely with stash fabric.  There was a very little dent made in her stash.  I sometimes think this fabric breeds at night, like rabbits.  Hee hee! LOL!

Off topic, look at the bounty that I got at the farmer's market yesturday.  Doesn't it look yummy! I picked up some kale, spinach, broccoli, parsley, beets, red & yellow peppers, zucchini and mushrooms. Plus I picked up some raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.  All as fresh as you can get it, outside of picking it yourself.  Doing my part to support the local farmers and eat healthy.

Now I can try some of the new recipes that look delicious, as part of my eating better.  I am dumping all the garbage and going back to simple goodness.

Have fun everyone!

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