Sunday 19 July 2015

A bit of garden and a wild and goosey block

Yesturday was a day at the beach to celebrate one of my nieces daughter's birthday, followed by dinner at the Mandarin.  By the time we got home it was after 10:00 pm.  No quilting done yesturday.  In the morning I was taking some time to catch up on some reading.  

I started reading some books about healthy eating.  For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to eat better.  The more I read though the more confused I get.  There are so many books out there and all of them claim to be the better way to eat.  You have vegetarian with different levels, vegan and paleo just to name a few.  You have books that say you don't need to diet, you just have to eat the right foods, others that have you starving yourself and others that have you counting calories.  Wow!!!  All I want to do is eat healthier.

In any case part of the reason I haven't been getting as much quilty stuff done is that I have been trying to read to learn more about health.  Instead of my quilting I thought to share with you my garden by my front entrance.  I love the contrast between the lime green of the hosta and the deep green of the yew bush.  They stand out nicely.

Just in front of the rocks I have a pocket for planting.  I decided to plant ornamental grass.  The two in the front are now blooming with pretty little purple flowers and the one behind them is a Japanese blood ?somthing?  It is green with deep red tips. 

I wanted to also share with you a gorgeous quilt I saw on Bonnie Hunter's post of June 24/2015.  The quilt was made using Bonnie's Wild & Goosey block.  It's a raffle quilt for Bickford Cottage in Portage, Michigan.  The quilt was made by Edda Kraynak for their fund raiser to raise money for Alzheimer's research.  She did a beautiful job, absolutely stunning with all the tiny pieces.

A clips from Bonnie's sight, to spread the word, for anyone interested in helping out:
This is the second year I've made a raffle quilt for this event. Tickets are $5 each and can be obtained by stopping by in person (4707 W. Milham Ave.) or by contacting Janna Ritter or Cheryl Harris at 269-372-2100.

This next picture is the one and only wild & goosy block that I made so far.  This block measures 7" square.  Which means that the little flying geese block is only 3" finished.  Four flying geese all within a small 3" block makes for very tiny pieces.  If memory serves me It takes a little over an hour to make a complete block.  I haven't decided yet whether I want to make a quilt using this block, so it is just sitting on my design wall waiting for me to decide.  

If I do decide to make one, my colour scheme will be blue for all the flying geese, white to surround them, finishing off with a yellow at the end and finally a green to frame the whole thing.

The blue geese that meet in the middle form a churn dish pattern because I used the blue for the cornerstone. And I plan to do the same for the yellow.  This whole block is scrappy, but in a controlled colour scheme. It's a way to use up those very small pieces.  I may do it eventually, but unlike the recent monkey wrench block that I made, that I am just itching to make a quilt with, this block is more of an interest not an itch.  We shall see if that changes down the road.

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