Saturday 11 July 2015

Another floret done

Been busy catching up at work from a week off and doing overtime. When I get home, I am exhausted.  Haven't done much quilty wise during the week and with dealing with family health issues, I may not get anything done this weekend either.  That is ok though.  We have to manage life as it comes and our other things have to get put aside for a bit.

I will be out of wifi range during the next couple of days, so I may not be able to post anything.  But, I will be taking things with me to do.  I just can't sit around with nothing to do for long.  During my breaks or lunched at work I was able to get another floret completed.

Sorry for the short post, but I really don't have much to share with you right now, especially with all that is going on around me.

Enjoy your weekend.

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