Thursday 2 July 2015

A typical day in my life with quilting and a pink Dresden plate block done

I had a very busy day yesterday.  I started the day at 6:00 am, with some appliqué of the Tiny Town block number seven.  Later when my son decided to go outside to play ball, I took a break and followed him.  I needed to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Not being one to just side around, while my son practiced pitching against the house, I started to do some weeding.  The gardens that I had cleaned out and rearranged at the side of the house had some weeds and the old walkway had many growing between the cracks.

Once that was done I moved to the garden by the back door where the barbecue is.  During that big storm the barbecue was knocked over and some of my plants got flattened.  I did fix some of it, but now I was able to fix the rest of it.  Feeling good about what I accomplished I was able to get back to the appliqué work, with renewed energy.

I worked on it for another while and took a break to make lunch, and work on it some more.  During this time sitting in my den, my daughter and her friend, who slept over last night finally wake up from there very late night of watching movies.  My son joins us and they end up laying around on the daybed or carpet reading out loud about dogs. They want another puppy.

By about four in the after noon I needed another break.  It's hard to do long stretches of hand work, without taking breaks.  For this break I started ironing my daughters grey backing material for her sixteen-patch pinwheel quilt and her top.  I had the quilt layered on the floor and started to pin it for quilting.

Three quarters of the way through the pinning I had to think about dinner. The kids made a snack a while ago so we're not hungry, but by this time it was now already 7:00 pm, too late to get anything started, so I ordered some pizza and wings.  I didn't have time to make anything, because yesturday being Canada Day we were going to the fireworks.

After I ordered the pizza I went out front to join my son and talk to my neighbours and their kids who were playing hockey in my driveway.  My adult niece ends up coming outside shortly after and while she sits on the grass with her little four month old, her other two kids come help me take the weed branches off my tree.  By the time dinner arrives my tree is done, my niece and I had a nice chat and the two older kids got an education on caterpillars, moths and spiders that were on the tree that we were working on.

They went to have dinner at there house my son and I go in to have dinner at our house and the kids and I go walk down to Centennial Park to watch the fireworks. Loved the show, this was the first year we were around at this new house to get out in the community and enjoy the fireworks. They were great!

Now we are late at night, my son is practically crawling to bed, my daughter and her friend are waiting for her friends dad to come pick her up, while I head back down stairs to finish the pinning of my daughter's quilt.  My daughter eventually comes down to join me, to chat and keep me company.

Once I am done, I head upstairs for a shower and hit my pillow by 11:50 pm.  A busy and long day.

This is a typical day in the my life with quilting.  I do my quilting between living life with my family, gardening, cleaning the house, working and renos.  It all gets done.  Maybe not in the timeline that others do it, but it does get done.

I didn't get my block for the Tiny Town completely done, but I am still happy with how far I did get done on it.  Now I only have the fine details to take care of.  So, instead I will leave you with a picture of the pink Dresden plate block that I finished some time last week.  I forgot I completed this block. It still needs to be pressed, but I am sure you get the picture (no pun intended).

Today it's a hair cut for my son and picking up his friend and heading to the Toronto zoo.  I am sure it will be another busy day.  Enjoy it!!!

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