Tuesday 26 May 2015

The top of the 3D pinwheels quilt is done

The top of the 3D pinwheels quilt is done!!!  Move it on up the list!  My little man did a good job holding up the quilt even with the wind blowing.

I finally committed to an outer border.  I think the colours are a little brighter than they really are in real life.  It was very bright outside when I took the picture.  Maybe that had something to do with it. After I quilt it I will take the pictures inside to see if it makes a difference.

Up close it looks great with the little striped border and the greens are bit brighter.  This was my first 3D pinwheel quilt.  The 3D affect is achieved by making prairie points and sewing them to a block, and attach the blocks together to make the pinwheels.  They are a little more involved but soooooo cute.

I would make this quilt again.  I can see it done up in pretty girl colours or even in primary colours.

You will have to stay tuned for the final picture, quilted and bound when I get that done.  Should be too long as her baby shower is in July and I don't want to leave this for the last minute.

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