Sunday 17 May 2015

Block #2 - Stashbuster's Ugly Sunshine BOM quilt

I guess I should tell you that my post may say block #2, however I do not know which order the blocks were in.  It has been a long time since I did this and it was all online.  Once I printing up the pattern and made the block, I discarded the paper.

This next block was fairly easy.  If you break it down it is actually the one block repeated four times.  When you decide your colour placement you have many choices.  I saw some use the main fabric in the dark sections and their yellow for the light, some others treated the four sections differently and I believe I even saw someone do hers completely scrappy with all different darks in the dark sections and all different lights in the light sections.  The variety was very nice.

Now it's your turn.  What do you want to do with this block.

For me, this is what I decided to do.  My additional rule for myself was to incorporate each fabric I had into each block.  You don't have to do this, but I just wanted to.

As I had four coloured fabrics outside of my main fabric and the yellow, I decided to break my large block into four sections.  One section designated for each colour.  I wasn't very creative on this block.  The only change I did was the lights down the centre of the block.  I turned it into dark in order to get my main fabric into the block.

I have to tell you though that even though I love scrappy quilts, during the time that I was making these BOM blocks back in 2009, I was still controlling my scrappy quilts.  My brain needed the organization of everything in order and it its place.  Since this time I have learned to ease up some.

I will leave you with that.  Hope you decide to join in and make your own quilt.

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