Wednesday 27 May 2015

Drunkards path quilt

On the Monday of the May long weekend I was working on finishing the 3D pinwheel quilt.  I had all the borders picked out.  As I worked on it, I was using my Drunkards path quilt pieces as my leader/enders.

The drunkards path quilt I am embarrassed to say was started back on September of 2004.  This was 1 1/2 years after I started to quilt.  The reason that it got put aside was, at that time my experience level was not up for this one.  Curves are a bit challenging.  I did take it out about a year later and tried again, but I just didn't have the patience for the the small curves.

Now many years later I decide that I want this quilt done.  I like this pattern and the soft type fabrics I am using.  It feels like a summer or spring quilt.  I took the pieces out again and thought to myself that, I can do this, I can!

So, in between attaching the borders to the 3D pinwheel quilt, I worked on these pieces.  Just in doing the borders I was able to get 12 more small blocks done.  That's not bad.  And because it was done between other sewing I didn't even notice how quickly they were getting done.

I think I am going to keep the pieces beside my machine all the time and see how far I can get on this.  

So far, I only have two full blocks completed, but I do have enough small blocks to make approximately another 4-5 blocks.  The above picture is the block layout.  This block makes a diagonal chain going across the quilt, which ends up looking like a grid, only wonky.  The wonky part is the name of the layout the Drunkards path.

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