Saturday 16 May 2015

Block #1 - Stashbuster's Ugly Sunshine BOM quilt

This was my first block that I chose from the Stahbuster's Ugly Sunshine BOM challenge.  Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of both blocks that were offered each month.  For that you will need to become a member of the Yahoo Stashbuster's group.  They are quite a group. Very motivating.  Everyone rooting each other on.  Check them out and decide for yourself.

The draft of this block was pretty much what you got given, in grey and white shading.  That was good and bad.  Good because you were not persuaded by a specific layout.  You had to chose what colours you wanted to put where.  For some people it is difficult to see past the colours if they are provided to you.  Unfortunately, this can also a bad thing, because some people find it difficult to see the potential of a black and white drawing.

All I have to say to this is, use your imagination.  It is not a contest.  Your goal is to make a block, using the fabric that you have, that is pleasing to your own eyes.  I order for it to all coordinate in a whole quilt, I would suggest that you find a place to put each of your colours in each and every block.  Even if it only plays a small roll.  The placement and amount of any particular colour may vary from each block, but try and put each colour somewhere in each block.

The first thing you will want to do is take the drawing above and decide whether you want to do it with two fabrics plus your yellow or if you want to do it multi coloured.  If you plan to do it two fabrics the layout is pretty much set out for you, but you can still vary it up.  If instead you want to do it multi coloured, take away the shading and start from scratch.  Decide if the same shapes will have the same colours or not.  The choses are many.  This is where you can take your time and play.

This is how my block turned out.  Do you like it?

When I look at a draft, I try to think of what parts of the block that I would like to stand out.  For those spots I will either use a dark or a bright fabric, to draw the eye.  In this block what stands out the most for me is first the star in the middle that like more like a pinwheel, because the second fabric I chose blends I a little with the yellow background.  And secondly is the blue box that surrounds the star.

Your block my be different. Play around with it.  Place your colours in different spots and see what arrangement works best for you fabric.  The placement of light and dark fabrics has a huge impact on how you block will look.  Don't worry though, if you don't like the fist one, just make another.  You can always use the rejected block somewhere else.

Most of all, the thing to remember is to let go and have some fun.

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