Monday 25 May 2015

My layout of the Stashbuster's Ugly Sunshine quilt

As I mentioned in my last post, there are endless options for layouts.  You just have to use your imagination.  A lot of people did a simple sashing and borders and let their blocks stand up on their own.  Others did different things.  I thought they were all very nice, in all their variations.

This is my layout of the Stashbuster's Ugly Sunshine quilt.  The quilt is king size.  As I have also mentioned in previous posts, that I like stars.  I wanted to incorporate a star in the quilt to tie all the blocks together.  The star turned out to be a plus, because it allowed me to put some blocks on point and others straight.

When I tried to put the blocks together this way I realized that the on point blocks would be too small for the corners to match the straight blocks, so I had to come up with a solution for this.  My solution was to frame them on two sides to make them big enough.  This created a secondary pattern by creating a border, also on point, that framed the whole thing.  It really made things stand out.

The colours I used for the quilt were selected because I had my nephew in mind for this quilt.  His favourite colour is orange, which is why I did the star in that colour and also why I chose the blue background.  Unfortunately, I was told later that I can't give it to my nephew, because the block fabrics have flowers.  They are thought to be too feminine.

So, I have had this quilt top done for a long time.  It just sits there waiting to be quilted.  I even have the backing and batting waiting with it.  Two things are stopping me from getting this quilt done.  One is that now the quilt does not have a purpose, no one to appreciate it.  Secondly, I wanted to quilt this with numerous small fill in quilting and I never felt my experience in this technic was ever good enough.

I am slowly building my confidence in my quilting using this technic, but I still feel the quilt needs to have a purpose.  So, it sits and waits....for someday.

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