Saturday 2 May 2015

Teddy bear quilt, part 4

We're getting close to the reveal.  Next bear post will do it.  Today we have another row of bears.  These ones are standing around in different outfits.

This first picture shows a girl bear dressed up in a dress, another bear wearing a night cap, and a third bear dressed up in a black suit and red vest.  As you can see this row is bordered top and bottom with small bear paw blocks in various colours.

After the bear in a suit we have another girl bear wearing a simple party dress carrying balloons.  Beside her is a sleepy bear wearing a yellow sleeper, and beside him is a bear wearing overalls with a stripped bandana to match his pant cuffs.

There is the first white bear I recall seeing with a pretty pink bow around her neck.  Next to her is a boy bear wearing nickers with a red tie and matching cap. Do you see his suspenders?

This last part of the row is a cool bear wearing a hat (sorry, not sure the type), and his jacket and pants.  The last bear in the row is a chubby bear wearing overalls.

A lot of bears marching in a row across the quilt  All in different colours and variety of attire.  A lot of details too.  All the tiny pieces would have taken lots of patience.

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