Saturday 9 May 2015

Nothing quilty to post about

Nothing quilty to post about today.  I haven't had much time this past week.  I was sick a few days, so nothing got done.  While on my last day in bed I wasn't well but not able to sleep, so my mind was racing.  This time it was about gardening.

I drew out some plans for my left side garden path and for my right side walkway that leads into a garden and sitting area.  This is what I came up with for the left garden path.  This side is not needed for utilitarian use just another way around the house.  I thought for this side I would do the whole thing in garden and have large stepping stones with maybe moss or a ground hugging ground cover between them, and just pack the space with flowers.  Maybe make it a destination with an arbor at the end of the path leading into the back yard.  

I will be putting three tall but slim trees between the houses, a couple of bushes and the rest perennials.  I am still planning things out at this point.  The following few pictures are going to be my inspiration.  Between the houses I have more space than this next picture, but it goes to show you that you can have a beautiful space even with minimal space.

This path is more free flow.  Like the effect of the ground cover between the stones.  Obviously I don't have this much space between the houses, but I just like the overall effect.  The anticipation of where the path is going to lead you to.  I want to try and achieve this, at the point of going around the corner of the house and into the backyard.

This next picture kind of does the same thing with the curved pathway.  All of the pictures are beautiful in their own way.  I am hoping to get some bits and pieces of all of them, in my small space.

Today was such a beautiful day out, that I decided to start the walkway leading to the backyard on the right side of the house.  This path has to be at least four feet wide as it will be the only way to get large things in or out of the back yard.  Got off to a late start with running around for all the supplies I needed, but I did get started.

I dug out a trench along the property line along the fence to put some lime stone and lay down my curb stones.  The curb stones will be there to contain the crushed stone and interlocking bricks for my path.  I ran into a problem, so had to call it a night while I went to get another drill bit to make the holes for the rebar.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, so I may want to take the day for me, but we will see.  It is taking shape already, so I may not want to stop.

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