Monday, 11 May 2015

Busy weekend

Yesturday was Mother's Day.  Hope everyone spent the day as they wished and enjoyed every minute of it.  I know I did.  It was busy, even with the rain.

I woke up early and had my tea while doing my Tiny Town block that is due this coming Saturday.  I did this until 9:00 am, when I decided I it was late enough in the morning to make noise outside.  I thought I would finish the curbs I was working on, but when I got outside I realized that I had to plant my tree.  Do you like it?  It is difficult to really see it on the tag.  It's a Eastern Redbud.  The picture is showing the tree limbs covered in small pink blooms.  The blooms are usually a light bright pink.

Before I got this one in the ground though I had to move some large bushes.  The back right hand corner is getting filled in.  Another bush and a few more perennials and it will be done.  If you can enlarge the picture you can see the dark green bush (the Yew) that I moved from another part of the garden.  The bush is currently 5' tall and will get to about 8'-10' tall when done, with a spread of 4'-5' wide.

Where the yew was I had a dwarf burning bush.  I moved it about 4' out in front of the yew.  Currently there are two dwarf burning bushes.  I am going to add another late in the season, because where I am going to put it is where the bleeding heart is.  The bleeding heart is looking pretty right now, so I don't want to disturb it.

In front of all this I have my Japanese maple that I only planted last year.  Once this corner matures a bit, it will fill in nicely.  The rest of the surrounding area is still a work in progress.  I worked on this corner yesturday, because while I sat in my chair drinking my tea and doing some needle work, with the sliding door open enjoying the breeze, I was constantly drawn to look outside. The birds were coming and going, eating from the feeder or looking for worms in the grass.  It was so peaceful.  I would look around and tell myself that I had to work on the garden.  So I did.

Just before the rain really started and set in I managed to finish all the transplanting.  After taking a shower to clean up from all the dirt, I sat down in my chair to admire the work.  I am quite happy with it.  Needs a little more but the main bones of the corner are in.  Now we wait for time to do its thing and mature the trees and bushes.

I settled down to do some more appliqué.  This is what I have done now.  I have part of a house to do, a bird house and part of the heart topiary.  I'm getting there.

I had a very nice Mother's Day.  Between all the above, my daughter woke up at 6:00 am to give me happy wishes and her gift to me (she had to go to work for 7:00 am).  My son made me French toast for breakfast and gave me happy wishes and his gift to me.  I made a simple chicken soup for lunch and for afternoon snack my daughter came home from work with a maple pecan Danish, which she served with a tea.  What can be better than that.  I did all the things that I like to do while being treated like royalty.  Life is good!!!

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