Friday 22 May 2015

Block #7 - Stashbuster's Ugly Sunshine BOM quilt

Bock #7.  This block is really four identical blocks put together to make a larger block.  The blocks are all the same, and the layout is every other block is rotated a half turn.  I've even seen this one block made up into a full size quilt.  The quilt I did see of this block was all red and white.  It was beautiful.  The person made each quarter, one red and one white/cream colour, and made many different blocks each with their own white and reds.

For me because there were so many choices of colour placement, I found this block the hardest.  Even now when I look at it I still think at the ways I could have done it.  In the end I did settle for this layout.  I feel in this layout that I short changed the black main fabric, but it is what it is.

Guess what?  After this block is done there are only two more to go.  Amazing how quickly it goes.

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