Friday 31 October 2014

More progress on the Dresden plate blocks

Today I finally finished painting in the bathroom.  Took me all day to get the second coat on the wall and two coated on the doors and baseboards.  After getting the kids dinner I decided I needed a break and went down to my quilting room.

I finished basting all the Dresden plated to the white base.  The picture below is the pile of twenty blocks ready to start to appliqué.  There are another five that still need to have the seams turned over before they can be basted.

After walking my son for trick or treating tonight, I cut all the twenty five purple centres.  The picture below is to show you how I would pin baste, so that I can appliqué and get a really good round circle.  When I cannot see the seam allowance I prefer to pink baste,  it is easier to adjust or remove if needed.

This next picture shows the centre sewn onto the Dresden plate.  The next step will be to appliqué the plate to the white.  This purple fabric that I had here from another project is very close to the same purple that was already cut out to be used for the Dresden plate centres, but as I am combining twenty-five blocks and I would not have had enough. For consistency I decided to use the purple I have so that I could also use it for the cornerstones and the first border.

Now that I have all the blocks basted I can put this aside, until I need to bring my grab and go bag.  The grab and go bag is because I don't usually do hand work at home.  I find other times during the day for that, like during lunch at work or waiting at appointments, that sort of thing.

Tomorrow I will clean up/put away all the paint tools and take the day to do some more quilting on the Hexagon quilt.  Hoping to get a lot done on that one his weekend.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Dresden Plate quilt progress

Yesturday after painting the walls in the closet and waiting for that to dry I headed to my friend Carol's place to pick up some solid white fabric to start the Dresden Plates quilt for my Cousin.  I got a white fabric called winter white which is slightly off white.  When you are making things with older fabrics these not sparkling whites work best so the older materials done look dingy.

When I got back, I throw the fabric in the wash, and started dinner.  After dinner before getting together with the kids to read before bed, I was able to iron all the fabric.

Today was the day trip with the girls from our quilting bee.  Four of use got together and went to Font Hill, to The Quilting Bee quilt store.  I never tire of going there.  There is so much to see.  I found the base fabric for my niece and some reds and blacks.  Diane was lucky to find a bunch of fabrics for a quilt she is gong to start for her own king sized bed.  We ate at the Lazy Loon next door.  Everyone had a great time.

When we got back and I put dinner in the oven, I took the time to start cutting the white fabric.  All the white parts are cut and ready to sew.  Twenty five squares, the borders and all the sashings.

I even started placing the Dresden Plates on the white squares.  Centring them and tacking them down, to make them ready to appliqué.  So far I did three of them.  I want to get these ready for my grab and go bag, when I need some hand work.

I have the fabric I purchased today in the dryer.  When I get a chance to iron them I will post them for you.  Maybe when painting the doors and between coats I can do some.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Working away and storage

Yesturday after going to Home Depot for supplies, I managed to finish the plastering in the bathroom, filling the nail holes of the baseboards and priming everything.  In between drying time for the chalk and the primer I did get a bunch of florets quilted as well.  When I went up to start painting though, I couldn't do it.  At this time of the season with the rain and all the primer was taking longer to dry, so I brought out the heater fan to help it along, and headed to Storage Solutions to see what I could find.

Not sure if you remember the cupboards I got from IKEA for my quilting room.  They are 18" deep.  I wanted to find some long baskets to hold stuff, to better utilize the space.  The picture below shows what I went with.  Now I have more room for my light and dark scrapes, and the miscellaneous sized scrapes for crazy quilts has more room too.  The three smaller baskets at the top I had here already and they are now holding parts and pieces for two quilts, plus one extra for future use.  The packaged batting fits nicely between the large baskets.  I love seeing everything in it place.  Doesn't always stay this way, but I do try.

Not much else to report at this time, because I am doing mainly renos around the house this week.  After I publish this post I will be off to finish the painting of the walls, baseboards and doors. Plus doing the silicone around the tub.  Once everything dries I can install the door handles and wash everything down.  

Tuesday 28 October 2014

15 Minutes of Play - Improvisational Quilts

While I was going through all my quilting books trying to come up with an option for one of my nieces,  I came across this book.  I almost forgot I had it.  The book is called 15 Minutes of Play - Improvisational Quilts by Victoria Findlay Wolfe.  It's a book about using up your scraps in a creative way.

I heard of this book through Bonnie Hunter.  Bonnie is also an advocate for using up your scraps.  She constantly thinks green.  Reuse, repurpose and recycle.  When you really think about is, you realize that it would be a waste to throw out usable scraps.  They cost you just the same as the yardage did.  I don't know about you, but I would feel a shamed if I through out cash.  That's why I don't throw out my scraps.  I just have to find creative ways to use them.

This book gives you some creative ways to use them.  The ideas are not all completely scrappy.  Some of them, like the picture below have an organized theme to them, for those who need the control of a pattern, but with a bit of scrappiness to use up the scraps.  Other patterns are completely from scrapes and everything in between. 

I like this next one too.  I seem to always be drawn to lines that go on a diagonal.  The affect this one would have is a grid all across the quilt. You can control the scrappiness with the fabrics used for the diagonal lines.  They can be all the same colours or alternate to make a plaid affect.  What ever goes.

The next block is close to the last one but with a twist.  For this one the lines are more random.  They had an example where the lines are all different primary colours and the blocks where of various sizes.  Quite nice and very different.  This could be good in a controlled colour scheme too, if you feel you need to tame the scrappiness.  But sometimes wild and crazy works great.

This next picture is a really great example of a modern looking quilt.  This quilt was named Indications of Rhythm by Margaret Cibulsky.  The book has many examples that can help you use up your scrapes and make a quilt that anyone would be proud to own.  The blocks available give you examples to start with and some nice layouts as well.  Just let your imagination and creativity loose.  See where it takes you.  

In the book on page 5, there are even some challenges to get you going, to help you stretch your limits and explore beyond your comfort zone.  You have to trust me when I say go for it.  You will be very surprises where it takes you.  Within every person is a creative side and it is very liberating to let it loose and come out to play.

Monday 27 October 2014

More playing with EQ5 for the Romance and Roses quilt

Yesturday while on EQ5 I played around with some design options for a second quilt.  This one won't be started for a while yet.  Before I start this one I have to get some things together.  The pattern comes from the quilt book below. This book is filled with beautiful quilts.  They are mostly on the beige side, nothing in the way of brights or modern.

I bought this book initially for the quilt on the cover.  I would love to one day make this one.  This one is on my wish list of one day......  But if your a quilter, you know that we would have to live to be 200 years old to make all the "one day" quilts on our wish list, and that may not even be enough because we're always adding more.

The pattern is in the book Simple Blessings - 14 Quilts to Grace Your Home by Kim Diehl.  As I've said above, this book has many beautiful quilts.  The one that I will be making is for one of my nieces, called Romance and Roses.  Except, my nice is not into these warm beige harvest colours.  For her I am going to modernize the quilt with colour and minus the roses.  I think I want to use the vine and flowers of one of the other quilts in the book, but that has not yet been finalized.  It may not be until the end that I decide on that part.  

The page above shows a better picture of the colours in the quilt and a closeup of the blocks themselves.  The picture below shows the layout.  For the quilt that I will be making, I thought I would use a light for the background. I am not sure whether that will be a light cream of very light grey with a black or dark grey printed pattern on it.  For the blocks that Kim has in red I was going to do the same, but my reds will range from deep burgundy through to perky dark reds, all the way to even some very dark pinks and red wine colours.  Lastly the second blocks that Kim used green, I will be using blacks and dark greys.  I find just the use of black sometimes give a quilt a more modern appearance, and with the grey a little more so.

The following picture has my layout on the right hand side from EQ5.  In the picture the background is light grey.  Until I go out shopping though, I won't know exactly what the background will be.  That is why I needed to figure out the layout and final size, so that I will know how much fabric I will need.

On Thursday some of the girls from our quilt bee plan to go on a road trip to Font Hill and visit The Quilting Bee quilt store.  While there I may check out if they have anything I could use for the background and maybe some red or blacks as well.  I find that half the fun of making a quilt is the designing, which includes the selection of fabrics and colours.  After the shopping we all head next door for lunch.  Another great place to go.  It will be fun with great food and all the girls.

Enjoy you day everyone.  Though I am on vacation this week, it will be a work week for me here around the house.  My goal this week (I have a huge list of thing to do), is at least to finish the upstairs bathroom.  I am off to do some plastering in the bathroom.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Playing with design options for a Dresden Plate quilt

This morning I did some quilting on the hexagon quilt for a few hours.  When the stores opened we had to do some running around with the kids for more pants, sweaters, socks, etc.  By the time I got home from shopping I was beat.  Did I ever tell you that I do not like shopping.  I don't mind when I am out with someone and just browsing.  But when I have to find something specific, I usually can't find it at all, and get frustrated having to go from store to store.  But it is done.

So after the shopping we came home and after lunch I decided to play around with some quilt designs.  I went onto EQ5 and did a few layouts. I coloured some Dresden plate blocks to resemble the ones that I have.  My cousin asked me to assemble a queen size quilt with the Dresden plates that were already assembled.

There are seven plates in six different colours.  My cousin has decided that she would like to use all the colours together.  I think it will look great.  Keep in mind that what you see below is only an outline, as the colours are out quite a bit.  Even after completing this quilt there will still be some leftover plates.

I say plates because that is all they are at this time.  Until I finished the design I couldn't see exactly how I was going to assemble this quilt.  Now that I know how big the blocks are going to be and how big the quilt was going to be I can start making them.  Now I know how much material I will need.  EQ5 also tells you the fabric requirements.

At this time I only need to get the white.  I have decided to do all the background in white, including the sashing and borders (those are the parts that you see in light blue).  The sashing is in light blue in the picture so that I can remember how to assemble the quilt, but in the end they will actually be white with lavender cornerstones.  The cornerstone will look like they are floating between the plates.  

Once the centre is done I will finish it off with a lavender small border to match the cornerstones and a scalloped white large border.  I feel that the scalloped border goes well with he shape of the Dresden plates and is also something that was common in the '30s-'40s along with the lavender.  In comparison to the lavender the Dresden plates will appear more pastel, which I feel will look nice against the white.  This will be more of a springtime quilt for it's soft colours.

When I finished working out this quilt I started on another one that I will be am making for my niece down the road.  I will save the pictures for that one until tomorrow.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Reversible Crazy quilt

Throughout the quilt making process there are always scraps that are the result of left over material, mistakes that happen, extra blocks that are made, etc.  I try to keep all of these scraps under control as I go along.  Something similar to the Bonnie Hunter way, but with little differences to make it work for me.

If I have yardage, I refold them and put them back into the stash.  If they are smaller pieces I may put them in with my fat quarter collection or maybe the scrap drawer that as smaller pieces.  Some I cut up into stripes that are organized by size (1 1/2", 2" or miscellaneous stripes) and there is a drawer for the extra blocks and miscellaneous parts.  Lastly there is a basket of smaller bits and pieces that don't quite fit in any of the other categories.

One day, a while back I decided to see what I could do to reduce the amount of scrapes in my scrap basket.  In the end I felt a crazy quilt block would be the best option.  I hadn't made a crazy quilt yet and thought, why not now.

In my version I decided to make small 6 1/2" blocks as a reversible quilt with a pretty fabric for the reverse side of the crazy block.  The way it works is, you made the crazy block. I did mine on a piece of thin facing to stabilize the pieces that are mostly all off grain.  Once I had that done I backed it with the pretty fabric and quilted the block.  Picture shown above.

When I had all the blocks done I laid them out to make sure that I distributed the colours evenly.  I followed the method by Sharon Pederson in her book Reversable Quilts, to assemble the rows.  The picture above shows row number one.  I folded the row to show you a section of both sides.

The other day while taking a break from the intense quilting of the Hexagon quilt, I quickly quilted up the pieces seen in the picture above, using a stippling design.  These pieces are the borders for the Crazy quilt.  As you can see in the first picture, there is one side that has the navy fabric and the second side that has the lighter bright blue fabric. In the second picture you see two borders with the same colours on the reverse of each other.

When I finish assembling all the rows I will attach the borders using the same method.  But for today I will get back to quilting the Hexagon quilt.  I am really liking it so far.

Thursday 23 October 2014

What I did at the Quilt Bee

Last night I had a Quilt Bee meeting.  While there, I had just enough time to complete the *Wonder* block, from the P.S. Don't forget to... pillow I am working on.  Now there are only three blocks left to do.  I've decided that my next block is going to the *Inspire* block.

Just so that you have a reference point, I should tell you that the picture part of this block measures only 2" x 2 1/4" and the line you see is at the 3" mark.  The line is where the rick rack will be sewn on with French knots and finished off with a bottom at each corner.

These little blocks are cute.  They're portable little blocks that don't take long to do.  A small project that gives you a sense of accomplishment between, all the larger projects of making full size quilts.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

P.S. don't forget to... block

I completed another block for the P.S. Don't forget to... pillow I am going to make.  This block is the *Adore* square. This block is the eight out of twelve blocks completed. Next I have decided to do the *Wonder* square. 

A little bit here and a little bit there.  It will get done.

Tomorrow I have a Quilt Bee meeting, so there probably will not be a post.  Talk to you on Thursday with what I did at the meeting.  Even with all the chatter going on, we do get some stitching in too.

Monday 20 October 2014

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... Letters W and Y

Yesturday I did finish a complete round on the hexagon quilt.  That makes another 24 florets done.  I gave myself a short break from this more intense quilting to zip through a couple of blue borders for a reversible quilt that I was doing. The blue borders only needed stippling.

The next letter I will share with you is the W which is for Wreath.  I thought this one was cute with its multi coloured berries.

And lastly we have the Y and Z.  Off the top of my head I cannot remember what the Y stans for, but the Z is pretty obvious Zzzzz.

My daughter has about three of them almost done.  One of them just needs the French knots, that I will have to show her again.  The second one needs the boots of the elf, which until recently she did not have the colour. And the third one she is working on the last of the words.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... Letters M and N

Yesturday the kids and I went with my niece and her family to a pumpkin patch place in Milton.  It's a nice place called Springridge Farm. My son enjoyed it last year, but my daughter didn't have a chance to go due to too much homework.  This year she was glad to go. It is geared toward younger kids up to approx. twelve years of age, but big kids do enjoy the corn field maze and the hills made of hay bales too.

When we got back from the farm I worked some more on the Hexagon quilt.  Now I have a total of 37 florets done.  Today I am hoping to have the full day of uninterrupted quilting time and hopefully get a full round of hexies done.  This next round has 24 hexies.

In the meantime, I will share with you another couple of blocks my daughter has finished.  She is doing quite well with these blocks.  She does them in no particular order, other than in advance we figures out how many different snow flake patterns we needed and where they would be placed.  So, when I found a snowflake material, I drew the pictures for those blocks.

N is for Noel was the next block she chose.  Because it was also a small block.  She was building her confidence while doing it to give herself the courage to tackle a large block.  I think she did another small block after this one.  I will show you that one in the next post.

M is for Mittens, I though was a cute one.  It may not look very clear. As it is a larger block, we had to back up some to take the picture. If you zoom in you can still see the details.  My daughter even had to do French knots on some of the mittens.  She still likes doing these blocks and does them from time to time while watching tv or a movie that she has already seen.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... Letter B

I am still working on quilting the hexagon quilt.  I didn't want to not post anything, so I asked my daughter if she wouldn't mind my sharing with everyone the parts of the handwork blocks she is working on.  She start this quilt some time last fall, when we went to The Hobby Horse for one of their sales.  She fell in love with the sample quilt they had on the wall.  The picture below my not show too well but you will see the blocks better as they are completed.

This is a pattern by Crab-Apple Hill #418 Snowmen A to Zzzz....  We got the pattern at The Hobby Horse, but I am sure you can get it direct from

The first block she did was the B Which is for Bells.  I should point out as well that this is the very first needlework block that my daughter has made.  The creases/fold lines will iron out. I think she did a fabulous job.  She has all the blocks cut out and numerous blocks are drawn.  This block is plain white, but most of the other blocks are a white on white snowflake design, all in different snowflake designs from big to small.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Some quilting going on

This morning I have been doing some quilting on the Hexagon quilt. No more pictures to show you until the quilt is done.  Just out of curiosity I timed myself.  I was blown away by the findings.

It takes 16 minutes to do each floret from marking to sewing.  I had just about 1 1/2 hours this morning to quilt and managed to get 5 florets done.  I started with a total of 371 florets and now have 347 left to go.  The fact that I've done 24 so far tells me that I put 6 hour 24 minutes into quilting this quilt already.  It also tells me that I have at least 92 hours and 32 minutes left to go.

Wow, I am going to be quilting this quilt for some time.  There may not be much to post about for a little bit, as there will be no more pictures of this quilt until it is done, unless there are distractions.  Distractions would not be unusual considering the amount of time needed to quilt, but I just want to let people know the reason for the lack of regular posts.

I know me and I know that there will be breaks from quilting, but I want to really concentrate on getting this one done.  I can move on to my daughters Easy Street quilt and on to my own Log Cabin quilt.

Talk to you later.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Don't forget to.... blocks

I realized I hadn't show you the block I finished early last week for my Don't Forget To.... Pillow.  This would be the Dream block.  

On Saturday when I went to my parent's home for Thanksgiving dinner, I decided to go earlier so that I could recover my small ironing board that I use beside my machine for pressing the squares.  My mom owns the staple gun that you use with an air compressor, so it make the job faster and easier.

Because I was quite early I was able to also get some hand work done.  I finished off the Wish block, that only needed the word to be done. And with the help of my grandniece picking out the colours, I finished the Celebrate block.

Yesturday afternoon I had just a little bit of time to start the next block called Adore.  So far I have only four and a half blocks left to do out of the twelve blocks it takes to make the pillow.

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and Thanksgiving dinner.

On a side note, I got a notice from that the mystery quilt is coming.  Bonnie has sent out the colour requirement/suggestions and fabric requirements.  If you have never done a mystery quilt before, this would be the one to try.  Not only did Bonnie say that this one will be easy, but her patterns are thus far all gorgeous.  They are also so much fun.  My daughter did the one that was called Easy Street.  She liked doing it.  Just check it out.

Sunday 12 October 2014

The last of the bow tie leader/enders...for now

So, this is the last of my leader/enders of the bow tie blocks.  This is another 26 blocks.  Now I have to find some more lights to cut up to continue.  I went through all my fat quarter, my scrap drawers, the stash and my pre-cut drawers.  Where I have left to find the variety if lights is going though my project bins and drawers.  That will have to wait until I have time to just play.  Going through those bins and drawers is going to get my juices going.  I will have to hold myself off from getting distracted and start working on one of them.

In the last few days, I was able to sew enough blocks to complete five and a bit rows.  I thought people may want to see the progress on the design wall.  I leave it on the design wall, so that I can see what fabrics I have already used.  So far there are still no repeats, with the help from my daughter.  Yesturday she took five of the blocks down because the lights were a repeat.  I think she get enjoyment out of catching me make errors.  Harmless fun for her.  I found enough lights to also fix those blocks.  

The centre of this quilt is going to be 19 x 19 blocks, which will make the centre 57" square.  It will sit nicely on top of a queen sized bed.  Right now I have 19 x 12 rows complete.  I only need to make seven more rows to complete the centre and that means 133 more blocks.  Did you realize yet that at 19 x 19 blocks, with two fabrics in each block, without any repeats, that there will be a total of 722 different fabric in this quilt.  That doesn't include the borders either.  I get I kick out of these little factoids.

Now that I have been sufficiently distracted with these bow ties, I have to pull myself back in and start on quilting.  I am going to have breakfast, and start on the hexagon quilt.  That will keep me busy for the rest of the day, until we head out to my parent's for thanksgiving dinner.

Enjoy your day everyone.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Another 60 Bow Ties

This morning while having my tea, I was making some boe tie blocks.  I made 25 of them before I had to stop to do some houseworkand they we had company for a bit.

Later, after that I was able to do another 25 in the afternoon.  This leader and ender has just gone into the position of main work. They are so easy and quick to make and there is no thinking necessary to make them.  This morning I started with three piles of sets.

While I was doing the above 25 blocks I watched Bonnie Hunter's quilt cam.  I enjoy listening to her quilt cams while I work away.  It feels like I have a quilting buddy with me to keep me company.  When that ended I went outside to do some garden fall cleanup.  I was outside for quite some time.  Filled up three brown bags of waste.  Wouldn't you know it, yard waste pickup was yesturday.  Always the way with me.  Now it will sit for two weeks before the pickup comes around again.  

When I took a break I sewed up another 10 bow tie blocks. I am on a roll. All together I was able to complete three full rows for the quilt, all in one day, between looking after things around the house.  Now I  only have a partial pile of sets to assemble.  It may amount to one more row.

Friday 10 October 2014

Chevrons and Bow Ties

Yesturday morning I had to get caught up on a lot of household paper work.  When I was done I had about 30 minutes to sew before I needed to leave for work.  During that time I decided to make some units for the Midnight Flight quilt.  These are the parts that are at the machine that look like a chevron.  I just call it a parallelogram. 

When I make these pieces I will do the one small extra sewing on each corner before I cut it off.  By doing this I will end up with a 1 1/2" half square triangle (HST), to add to my jar for a quilt or project later. Just think.  I have two HSTs that will come out of making one parallelogram, so if I have to make over 500 parallelograms, that would end up producing over 1000 HSTs.  Wow, all for just a little more effort and with otherwise pieces of scraps that would get thrown in the garbage for being too small.

Today when I got home I had to zone out for a bit to relax.  So today I felt like doing some mindless sewing by making a pile of bow ties.  There were 18 bow ties that I made from the smallest pile that was sitting beside the sewing machine.  Three more larger piles left to do, but now I am good. Relaxed and ready to enjoy this Thanksgiving long weekend.

I would like to send out to everyone who does celebrate it, a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Sorted my pieces and sharing the progress my daughter is making

Today I promised my daughter a mother daughter movie night, so there won't be any quilting going on tonight.  Yesturday I sorted out the blue parallelograms for the Midnight Flight quilt.

I also wanted to share with you the progress my daughter is making on her Fair and Square quilt.  

She has 100 four patches complete and the other 260 blocks assembled.  All she needs to do for them is iron them.

We are making some progress, slow but steady.  I won't have anything to report tomorrow as it is my Quilt Bee meeting, but if I do get anything accomplished I will report it on Thursday. 

Monday 6 October 2014

Finishing off stuff

Yesterday morning I did finish ironing all the half square triangles, as well as sorting them.  I took out the last pieces that I need to make for the Midnight Flight quilt. The dark blue parallelograms, both for the blocks and for the border.

This block will be a two step block in addition to making the bonus half square triangles with the corners that are cut off when making this block.

Yesturday afternoon Sharon came over to drop off her quilt for the final quilting line.  It was a line I could not do until after the binding was sewn on.  It was on the very edge beside the binding.  Look at the picture above.  This is the before picture and look at the picture below.  That is the after picture.

It's not much of a change, but it does make a difference.  It just finishes off the quilt and matches the same stripe border that is above the larger green border.

Sunday 5 October 2014

The floret hexagon quilt

I just couldn't wait. I had to start this hexagon quilt.  My daughter's quilt is done as much as I can do until I make my template patterns.  When I started this quilt the first two attempts did not go well.  The first time I started I felt the hexagon was too close to the edges, which made the edges curl up.  So, out it came.  I started the second time with in the ditch sewing, but with all the bulk of the fabric at each corner, I just could not get it to go straight.  So, again out it came.  This quilt is so old and beautiful that I have to get it just so.  Third times a charm.  I made myself a little hexagon that measures only 3/4" across.  I use this template to drawer all the hexagons.  It is going well.

This next picture is a closeup of the centre block.  From this block I will go around and around until they are all done.  My daughter and I each counted and came up with the same number.  Do you know how many florets there actually are?  Take a guess.  Drum roll, please...... 

There are exactly 351 full florets and 20 three quarter florets. For a total of 371 florets.  So far I have 7 of them done.  Now "only" 364 left to go. Hehehe.  This is where I chant "just do one at a time" or "one more done" to keep myself motivated.  This one will take me a while.  But I will look great when it is done.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Working on the half square triangles

Yesturday night after work I finished sewing the half square triangles, before the kids and I watched a movie. I ended up with six stacks in total.

This morning I ironed them open.  I got three and a half stacks ironed.  I had to head out for a one year old's birthday present.  We left for the party in Port Dover for 1:30 pm.  It's now 9:15 pm and we're just getting home.  Too tired to iron the rest.  I think I'll head to bed early tonight.

Only two and a half stacks left to go.  I'll probably iron them tomorrow morning while having my tea.  I didn't get any quilting done today, but that is how it goes sometimes.

Friday 3 October 2014

Sewing half square triangles

Can you believe it took me two hours just to sew six stacks of half square triangles?  I am surprised.  I know I have been quilting for a long time, but I never really took note of exactly how long a particular task would take me.  The only reason I know this now is I have two hours in the morning on my late days.  I was sewing all that time.  Wow, what an eye opener.

Yes there are a lot of half square triangles in each stack, but still.  I still have two more stacks to sew.

I took a break from quilting this morning because I figured the weekend is almost here, so I can try to finish the quilting all at once, and get started on the old hexagon quilt.  Seeing how long it took me to do the half square triangles makes me wonder if I am only dreaming of finishing the quilting on my daughter's quilt or is it possible.  Well, I am going to give it a try.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Tooth fairy pillows done

Well I got home yesturday after work and needed to zone out for a bit.  I took out the needlework part of the blue fairy pillow.  All I had left to do was to appliqué the blue skirt and the little pocket.  Once I was done that, I had some time still to put on the border.  I had to stop for a bit to make dinner.

After dinner I was able to finish the stitching that goes around the perimeter of the white, sew on the backing and stuff the pillow.  It went together fairly easily.  Now the two fairy pillows are done.  I can take them off my quilt list.  Now I have 25 quilty things to do.  One more larger pillow and the rest are all quilts. I'm happy to get these done, now I can deliver them to the recipients.

Today I start late so I am going to spend some time sewing.  Just not sure if I want to do more quilting or sew up the half square triangles.  I will let you know when I decide.  Have a good day.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Nothing to report

These last few days I haven't been able to do much quilt wise.  Still working away on quilting my daughter's Easy Street quilt.  Otherwise work and family has been keeping me busy.  I am hoping to do some tonight after work.