Thursday 31 July 2014

Quilting another quilt for a friend

Prior to the past weekend I have been working on quilting another quilt for a friend.  She is going through a stage of getting things done.  I am glad for her, as I get excited seeing someone light up with joy when another task is completed.  Not just in quilting either.

So far I have completed all the quilting in the ditch to secure the quilt.  I also have almost half of the cross hatch done.  This one is a simple quilt.  The centre is of blocks with two different borders.  One border at top and bottom is a bit larger than the other sides.  I am thinking of doing something a bit fancier in those areas.  Still working it out in my head at this point.  When I am done the centre, I figure I will know what to do with quilting the rest.  That seems to be how it is with me.  The ideas evolve as I work on it.

Will reveal the quilt once it is done.

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