Thursday 3 July 2014

I am back from our mini vacation & Quilters' Line quilt shop

I am back from our mini vacation.  The kids and I headed North.  We hit some new to me quilt stores along our travels.  The kids enjoyed the time at the beach at Aaron Lake.  They were in the water some, playing around some and altogether having fun.  The first night we had a camp fire and the second night there was the 1st of July fireworks at the South Hampton beach.  While away I did get some hand work done, but mostly the day was packed with fun time with the kids.  

On the way home we did a lot of stops, at a total of seven quilt stores.  As we worked our way home we stop along the route, hitting the stores that we passed.  During the next few posts I will show you the places we went to.  

Today I will share with you the first stop I made, which was on the way up North.  This shop happened to be the only shop opened on Monday that we could go to.


This is the Quilters' Line quilt shop.  Location: 57 Main St., Markdale, Ontario (Canada)
Tel. 519-986-2244

The store has two sides to it, as you can see from the top photo.  The left side is the store and the right side is the classroom.  The picture above is a small corner in the back of the store.

By this date I hadn't realized that the Row by Row Experience was getting ready to start.  This date was June 30th.  The experience was to start on July 1st, our Canada Day.  So, for us here in Canada, we could only start on the Wednesday, July 2nd.  While I was at the store I spied a fat quarter bundle with the theme fabric in orange.  I can't say that I use orange much.  I decided to set myself a challenge.  I will use the orange fabric as my inspiration and during my little shop hop, I will collect coordinating fabrics, as I participate in the Row by Row Experience.  You will have to stay tuned for the locations that I went to and what fabrics I purchased.

The additional fat quarter in the picture above is my first Downton Abbey fabric.  Hard to tell from the picture, but the little dots on the fabric are soft pink, blue, green and yellow.  I like this fabric.  It will be a nice addition to my neutrals.

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