Sunday 27 July 2014

Mom's scrap quilt

I thought I would share with you something my mom is working on.  A variation of it anyways.  She was out one day sometime in March and came across this magazine.  The magazine is called Quilt With Scraps, their spring/summer 2014 issue.  My mom fell in love with the quilt on the cover page.  She came to me to show me and ask me to help her figure out what she needed to do to the pattern to make it fit her double size bed and to make the small 1/2" finished blocks at least 1".  So, I took the original quilt and broke it down into smaller pieces to figure out what I needed to do to resize it.  It will be the same components just using different sizes and quantities.

This was supposed to be my mom's leader/ender quilt.  I say supposed to be, because she was so excited to be doing it she just kept doing it.  My mom is really just a one quilt at a time type of gal.  It is a better way to do it, but that is not me.  Mom has a lot of small fabric pieces from making clothes for people or dolls and more recently from starting to make quilts.  This is her use it up quilt.  The only fabric she purchased for it so far is the white that will be constant throughout the quilt.  All the small nine patches have been cut at 1 1/2" block size and the larger blocks at 3 1/2" for a finished size of 3" blocks.

One night a couple of weeks ago she called me to tell me that she thought she had cut enough squares to start sorting out the colours.  She invited me over to help her out.  I didn't leave her house until after 11:00 pm that night.  We sorted out and labeled each large block unit to make 12 units.  Last week she tells me she had completed her 7th unit. I took a picture of one unit seen above.  It's kind of cute watching her get all excited about this quilt.  She used a lot of her scraps, but really it doesn't even look like she made a dent in it.  She still has three very full containers of small stuff, maybe just a tad less crammed in.  It's looking good so far.  I will get a picture of the completed quilt when it's done to share with everyone. 

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